Chapter 14

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Age 13:

"Hey. Pokemon-san, why don't you come back to the café with us?" Baria implored.

She hoped she wasn't being rude. It was taking everything in her not to faint. She was still slightly shocked that she didn't do so with Hedgehog-san. Yes, she gives people nicknames based on their appearance's and sometimes their personality. Baria is just grateful nobody can hear her thoughts. Well, nobody that she knows.

"Huh?! For a cute girl like you, sure." Kaminari grinned.

"Pokemon-san, are you bisexual?" Baria asked. She genuinely did not feel that he was 100% straight.

"HUH?! How did you know?!"

"She just knows these type of things. Don't question it. By tomorrow she probably won't even remember. It's because of her quirk." Shinsou butted in. He too, had experienced Baria accidental barriers.

"What do you mean....?"

"Her quirk sometimes activates without her permission. It forms a barrier around us and lets her see into our minds. She tries to avoid the information and sticks with feeling and childhood memories. That's were all the non-confidential stuff is."

"So she reads minds?"

"Yep, but the second her quirk shuts off or you leave the barrier, your information is wiped from her mind. Of course that's unless she wants to keep it or the persons who information it is wants her to keep it."

"Cool. Hey Baria what am I thinking?"

"Chimmy changus drinks cranberry sprite."

"Its free real estate."

"Stop! You could have made me drop my croissant."

"Okay. I'm just going to stop you guys there. There is already a meme trio but we'll need to consult Neito about Kaminari first." Shinsou interrupted.

"Okay.... So are you coming to the café or not?"

"Yeah, dude just lead the way."





"Baria, darling just who is this relatively good looking loser with you and Shinbae?"

"Neito. Tone down the gay for the bisexual."

"Aww but Shinbae"

"His name is Kaminari Denki. His quirk tends to fry his brain. Whey, whey." Baria stated before she got lost.

"Hey! Do I really make that sound?" Kaminari objected before asking. He was looking at Baria.

"Yes. You also have fortnight music running through your head so loud I'm surprised you're functioning."


"No. I'm taking you to a hospital in an hour. It's a kind of quirk emergency."

"Oh. Not so cool. At least I know I'm not failing my classes because I'm stupid."

"And I'm sliding in. So peasant why did my humble servants bring you to me?" Neito questioned. He genuinely was curious. Plus, the newbie was very attractive. He wouldn't mind adding him to the 'Baria's social guides' squad.

"Oh right. This guy helped me find Baria." Shinsou told him. Shinsou honestly just wanted to go home and watch so dead vines or sleep. Whichever actually happened.

"Really? Nice. Wait, hang on. You lost BARIA!"

"Ah. There the reaction."

"No. You, Hitoshi Shinsou, lost innocent social inept Baria? I heard that right?"

Barrier (BNHA)(Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now