Chapter 11

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Age 13:

Baria and Neito had been friends for more or less a year. However, this had been the first time Neito had heard about the drawbacks of Baria's quirk. Now that he thought about it, it made some sense. He still didn't know where she lived and he hadn't seen her on a phone other that the cafes one.

Neito sighed. Why couldn't she just tell him these things. Like there was no way an aria was that socially stunted. He hasn't even been able to teach her more meme's or vines due her lack of internet. Sure he knew that she was always tight on money even with most of her café expenses being paid for by the more it earned but surely her family earned money too. Why was nothing easy with that girl?

He laid back on his chair. He had been doing some research on Baria again. And once again the was basically nothing. It was like she barely existed. All there was about her was that she owned and worked at 'Obex' the café. Other than that there was nothing. You would think that someone who owned a café that was frequented by many heroes and some villains without any arrests being made when the two met, would cause the media to stalk her. Like they did to just about everyone else. Heck even the purple haired weirdo at his school had a full page on him. Not that Neito had anything against him. It was just how Neito was raised.

His parents weren't always home but when they were, they looked down on everyone. They held an air of self-importance aka Arrogance. They had been like that for as long as Neito remembered. Often punishing Neito when he was getting to friendly with those below him. aka normal people. Eventually his parents had had enough of him being too friendly with peasants. So they sent him to his grandparent. Now if you thought Mr. and Mrs. Monoma were bad, the grandparents were worse. They had watched him like a hawk and at the slightest sign of friendliness to the maids and butlers, he would be sent into the basement without food or water for about a week. Now this left a very deep impression on him at six years old. He started to pretend to be like the rest of his family to avoid the punishments. It eventually became second nature to him.

The only time he, subconsciously, dropped the facade was when Baria was around. After all his facade had earned him many punches to the face over the year the had been friends. His real personality shown through and if any of his schoolmates saw him when she was around. They'd have a heart attack. He was still ridiculously rude but that was the sarcasm. And Baria, well she seemed to live for it. She was blunt. He was sarcastic. And all they needed was someone too tired to give a crap. Then it would be perfect.

Thing was, Neito had a slight idea on who it could be. He just needed to get the guy to meet Baria first. Plus, with him Neito was sure they could become the greatest trio of friends ever.







Neito looked around his school cafeteria trying to spot one specific dude. The purple weirdo. He had asked around but everyone he spoke to, that he knew for a fact was in the guy's class, looked scared and refused to speak. No matter. Just made the hunt more exciting. Goodness, he sounded like a predator.

Neito finally spotted him. He was sitting in a corner by himself. Well, he wasn't really sitting. It was more like lying his upper body across the table, observing people. While eating. Strange combination, Neito mentally noted.

Neito strutted across the cafeteria. Eyes locked onto his target and feet moving towards it. He excluded an aura of absolute grace, confidence and pride. In the eyes of others, he was just being arrogant.





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