Chapter 13

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Age 13:

Baria had not planned to be separated from Shinsou. She had planned to pull him with her as she raced to a cute little clothing shop. She planned on getting his opinion on some presents for her family. Somehow not only where they separated, but Baria had lost sight of the little shop. She had in some way managed to get to the arcade. Now it would be all fine and dandy if the arcade wasn't on the other side of the mall.

Baria had decided that instead of wandering around and getting even more lost, she was going to check out the arcade. Shinsou would find her. Eventually.
Baria had been walking around the arcade for a few minutes when she saw it. In the dark building with a few green and red lights. With noisy pings and chattering people, there it sat. A game when you could earn real paper money. And Baria was going to play. Miss Keisha wouldn't be pleased to find that Baria was basically playing a gambling game for kids. It was circular. You placed in a coin and the game would sweep it into a larger pile. The aim was to get the coin into the right place to push the rest of the coins down a drain. It would the count the coins that fell and give you a receipt about how much you could collect at the counter.

The great thing was, was that for every fifty coins that fell, you get an extra hundred yen. Not a bad deal. Of course, quirks were prohibited in case of cheaters. But Baria still had a ridiculous amount or good karma behind her. So by the end of the first hour she had won 3000 yen.

The arcade workers had even asked her if they could place quirk cancelling cuff on her. Which she agreed to, just to prove she wasn't cheating.

After the first hour, someone else had entered the arcade. Unlike the other who entered before him, Baria was nearly a 100% sure this person was male, he seemed to grab her attention. The guy had ash blonde hair that looked like someone put a fluffy Pomeranian on his head. Blood red eyes that seemed to breath fire. And a scowl that screamed of anxiety. He was loud and aggressive in ways that Baria was certain was not completely due to his personality.

To her, it seemed like he was frustrated with himself. So she took to following him around the arcade. She was mildly curious. So sue her. Wait don't. She doesn't have the money for it.

The kid proved to be a source of amusement. Yelling at people, constant cussing and other people overall wariness. However, Baria was far more impressed with his high scores on nearly all the games. The was despite the fact he was only the for two hours. She was sure he noticed her following him. She watched as he stalked towards the exit of the arcade with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. Just as his foot passed the boundary line of the arcade entrance, he paused. Spun back around and locked eyes with Baria.

Bright green met blood red.

"You going to stop fucking following me or what?! Fucking loser." He roared.

'That snarl of his is covering his looks' Baria thought idly.

"Well, are you going to answer me?!"

"You're interesting." Baria answered with a nonchalant shrug.

"That doesn't answer my question, you extra!"

"I would keep following you but I had lost my friend and thought it best to remain here."

"Must be a pretty useless friend, dipshit."

"Nah, he's got a cool quirk. Though he could use some sleep."

"OH yeah. Well what's his quirk. I could, mostly like beat him without breaking a sweat."

"I think it would be the other way around."

"And why that?! Are you looking down on me?!"

"No. He just isn't violent. More like Present Mic. Voice activated."

"So, doesn't mean he could beat me. I just need to keep him from talking."

"Huh. True. I should probably suggest hand to hand combat to him. Thanks."

"GRRR, WHAT EVER! I'm out of here. And don't follow me."

"Ok. Bye."

"OI! Before I go, what's you name. So you can introduce me to your friend later on. So I can kick his ass."

"My name.... Obexia." Baria lied, but at the same time she felt that she spoke the truth.

'y-S. rE-e--eR pl--SE. i-S U-. wE –Ed –o –W—e –p. Yo- s-id m- n-me. Pleas- R-m-mb--.'

Huh. What was she thinking again? Oh right she just lied to someone's face.

"Yeah well, mines Bakugou Katsuki. Remember it twerp. Cause I'm the one who's going to kick your friend to the ground."

"Ok. I thought you were going."

"HA! You distracted me." Bakugou yelled as he spun around and took off.

Baria stared after him. Shrugged and took a seat on the nearby bench.



Shinsou was thoroughly panicked after the first half hour without finding Baria. By the hour mark he felt like crying. Not that he would, but still. Kaminari was of little help. It was like he latched onto him and would not let go. He uttered a meme or something incredibly stupid every ten minutes. Heck, Shinsou was pretty sure that his quirk was responsible for this. Pent up energy that was endless plus stupidity. It had to be an electricity based quirk. Him mentioning that he fried his brain after powering his school computers for an hour, had certainly helped.

However, Shinsou had to admit. Kaminari Denki was growing on him.

"–nd Mina was like, 'Dude it camp, what's not like'. Then I said, 'The fact that none of the girls are allowed to wear bikini's'. She looked at me like I was a pervert, but I was just saying what was on every guy's mind. You know?"

"No, not really."

It probably helped that Kaminari didn't judge him for the lack of enthusiasm in his comments.

By the second hour Shinsou had nearly forgotten that Baria was missing. They were still looking, of course, but Baria was a very hard person to find. It was only by the third hour did Shinsou think to look in and around the arcade. They had been speaking about it earlier. No harm in trying. Right?!

When Shinsou had finally spotted Baria outside the arcade three and a half hours after he lost her, he could honestly say that next time he was tying her to him. She seemed to have had a good time. She was faintly smiling. In Baria speak, it meant she was grinning.

"Oh good. You're ok."

"I might have gotten you a fight." Baria replied. Nothing else. Just I've gotten you a fight...Wait what?!

"Repeat that for me."

"I might have gotten you a fight."

"Oh. That was what I thought you said.... How exactly did you get me a fight?"

"I told this guy called Bakugou that you have a cool quirk. Though you could use some sleep. And he was like 'OH yeah. Well what's his quirk. I could, mostly like beat him without breaking a sweat.' So I said that I thought it would be the other way around. And he asked why that was and if I was looking down on him. I told him I wasn't and that you quirk was kind of like Present Mic's. Voice activated. And he said that it didn't mean the you could beat him. He just would need to keep you from talking. To which I stated it was true. And you really should take up hand to hand combat. Then he left."

"You know I think this is the longest I have ever heard you talk."

"Really. Oh who's this sparky meme lord?"

".... Who? Oh right him. Baria this is the guy who helped me find you. Kaminari Denki."

"Nice to meet you pretty lady. Want to go on a date with me?"

"Nah. Just met you."

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