Chapter 2

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I heard the familiar voice.

"Ashleigh, open up." I recognized the voice to be my brother, Jack.

"What do you want, Jack?"

"Please open up, I need to talk to you about Luke."

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?" I yelled feeling tears form up in my eyes again.

"Open the door and I will tell you."

I walked over and unlocked the door. I sat on my bed as Jack walked in. He had a serious look on his face. I was honestly scared to death.

"Luke texted me saying that you were grounded. He told me to comfort you. And then I got a text from Luke saying that he hurt his arm skateboarding home. He thinks it's broken and Dad went to the hospital. Mom is worried and I needed to tell you. You can leave your room for a bit. I promise I won't tell."

At first I didn't believe Jack because he never comforted me. "Your lying Jack," I spoke in fear.

"No I'm not."

My jaw dropped and my eyes were watery. I knew it was my fault that he broke his arm. "Can we go to the hospital?"

"No. Mom wants us here. You will see him soon. He will be fine. Stop worrying," he snapped back.


My mom finished supper and I went downstairs to grab a plate of spaghetti. I sat at the dining table with my mom beside me. I didn't touch my food and I never did when I was upset. I starve myself because I feel as if I don't deserve food.

As soon as everyone left the table, I put my plate down for our dog to eat my food. I always did this. As soon as she was done eating the noodles and licking the sauce, I put the plate in the sink.

I went upstairs and opened a drawer in my desk. I grabbed a blade and went to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the floor. I broke my skin and it felt good. I haven't cut myself for several weeks now because Luke talked me out of doing it. He was the only one that knew I cut in my family. I wore bracelets to cover the scars. My arm was bleeding at three spots and I was enjoying the pain. I grabbed the blade and slid a few bracelets on and walked out of the bathroom.

I sat on my desk chair reading checking my Instagram on my phone. I signed into my band account and saw that I lost twenty-three followers within a day. I didn't mind that until I saw all the comments on my 1k selfie. The comments read things like 'EWW SHES SO UGLY! HOW CAN SHE BE RELATED TO LUKE?' and 'SHES A LIER! THERES NO WAY SOMEBODY UGLY LIKE HER CAN BE SIBLINGS WITH LUKE HEMMINGS! WHATS HER REAL NAME?' And themn there were some like, 'SHE NEEDS TO DIE.' And 'WHAT IS THIS DONKEY? ID BE SURPRISED IF SHE EVEN MET LUKE!'

I was hurt by the comments. And I grabbed the blade again and cut more at my desk this time.


I was tired. It was 11:30 pm when I decided to go to sleep. Before I could, Luke walked in my room with a blue cast on his left arm. He sat next to me on my bed. It was too dark for me to see correctly, but I noticed the look in his eyes. The look was fear.

"Ash, don't think it was your fault. Let me see your wrists."

"Noooo." I drug out word.

"Ashleigh, show me your wrists. I won't be mad."

I took my bracelets off and showed Luke my arms. There were at least ten scars on my wrists.

"Ashleigh, this wasn't your fault. I tripped over a speed bump and I even told Jack to comfort you." He looked at me with a worried expression.

"He did. Until it was time for supper. Then I remembered that it was me that made you come home early and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a broke wrist. Then, I went on Instagram and there were so many hate comments on my 1k selfie. Read them yourself. I couldn't help it Luke. I'm sorry." I began to cry again.

"Ashleigh, did you eat? Please tell me you ate."

"I did," I lied.

"Ash, I know you are lying. And it's not your fault! Stop saying that. I will check your post and the comments."

"Ok, I didn't eat and please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you, Ash. I'm a little upset, but I'm not mad. Let me get my phone." Luke half smiled. I knew I hurt him.

I saw Luke check his phone.

"Those Fucking Assholes!" He whisper yelled. That made him mad.

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