Chapter 40/Last Chapter

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Thinking of a place to go for our dinner was difficult. We wanted something really nice since the past week has been full of blessings. The thing was we didn't want anything fancy. We decided that we would just drive around until we found something that sounded good.

30 minutes into the drive and I saw what I had wanted for a while. I told Michael where I wanted to go and he agreed.

As we were parking into the Red Lobster parking lot, I saw somebody who was too familiar sitting on the bench. I decided to walk up to him even if that was the worst idea I could think of.

"Dad?" I looked at him and he looked up. As soon as he figured out it was me and Michael, he stood up and clenched his fists. Slowly, but surely he pulled his arm up and swung attempting to punch me. I ducked and Michael was paying his attention on me so he ended up getting punched in the jaw. "Michael?" I cried as he fell to the ground.

One of the employees saw what happened and they called the cops, who arrested my father and asked if we needed medical help for Michael. I said no and carried him to the car. I can't believe I screwed up our date. I should've taken the hit, not Michael. What have I done?

Calum's POV

Having the twins was really simple and fun. Since they were newborns, they didn't really do anything so I got to relax until 8 tonight.

That was until my phone started ringing. Faith started crying which made Daniel cry and I tried to hush them but noticed the call was from Ashleigh so it wasn't too important.

"Hello," I said with the company of the babies.

"Calum, listen, Michael is injured. Can you watch the twins for a little longer?" She asked me.

"Yeah I can watch them longer, but what happened to Mike. Is he okay? Is it serious?"

"We saw my dad at the restaurant and I made the dumb decision of saying his name. When I did he tried punching me but I ducked not knowing that Michael was behind me and he got hit right in the jaw and hes unconscious." I told him.

"Shit. It's not your fault if you didn't know Mike was right behind you. you were protecting yourself." I told her.

"But it should have been me! He doesn't know I have children, he doesn't know I'm engaged, he doesn't know how much I love Michael. It's my fault." She said before she hung up.


Ashleigh's POV

After a little while, Michael regained his consciousness. I hugged him and pecked his forehead. "Ashleigh?" He said.

"Yes Michael?"

"I love you. I'll take a bullet for you anyday." He said. My heart filled with butterflies.

"Michael, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were right behind me. Its all my fault. I shouldn't have said my dad's name. I'm so sorry.". I apologized. Michael's pointer finger met with my lips.

"Ssshhh, it wasn't your fault. It's fine, trust me. Yeah my jaw might hurt, but it's worth it as long as I do it to protect you or our children." He said. My heart raced fast.

I put my lips gracefully on his and we passionately kissed. This kiss was different than our other kisses. It was really general and his soft lips smiled halfway through which made me smile.

He bit on my bottom lip to ask for entrance which I gave him and we stopped once we noticed that Luke was at my doorway. We pulled apart smiled and Luke just stood there clapping. "Yaaayyy! Love birds kissed again!" He said sarcastically. "where are your kids?" He asked.

"With Calum." I said confidently.

"Are you sure about that?" I began to worry at Luke's question.

"Why? Where are they? Luke, this isn't funny!" I yelled.

"I don't know. I was just asking to make sure you knew since they weren't in their cribs."

"Don't scare me like that!" I snapped as I threw my Vegemite pillow at him. It's just a pillow that looks like a jar of Vegemite don't worry.


We got the twins about four hours later and at was 11 pm. They were really tired so we put them down to sleep. Luke said he'd check on them if they cried since he has that charm with babies. I said okay but if they make too much noise I'm going in for them.

I laid down on my bed cuddled with Michael. "hey Mikey?"

"Yeah babe?" He answered.

"You had me wrapped around your finger since I met you and I'm thankful for that." I smiled.

Michael laughed. "Me too, Ashleigh. Me too."

He fell asleep, but I couldnt. I couldn't stop thinking of him. He's the reason. The only reason.

I owe it to Michael. All of this. Our children, our engagement, everything he's done for me, our ups and downs, always being there for me whether it's in person or through a computer monitor, staying with me for all of these years, being able to last through the whole child birth with my hand nearly breaking his, and most importantly, for being a big part of my life.


Oh my god guys! I can't believe this is the end! The sequel (Wherever you are) should be published later or tomorrow.

I love your guys and thank you for reading this fanfic.

I love you penquins

-Kiara xx

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