Chapter 38

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We've now been in the hospital for a while. It was 8:15 am and Michael would be here soon hopefully. I felt the babies anxious to break free and be part of this blessing world.

"Hurry Michael... Please." I cried as the guests began to wake up. My phone was buzzing and I answered it. It was Luke! "Hello?" I said in a groggily voice.

"Ashleigh? Oh okay never mind, we just got off the plane and we need somebody to bring us to the hospital." He said.

"Okay. JACK! WAKE UP!" I yelled causing everyone to open their eyes. "The plane landed and they need to be picked up. He will be at the airport in 5 minutes, Luke. Can you put Mikey on the phone?"

"Sure." He answered.

"Hey babe. How's it going?" He asked.

"Fine. Not too much pain since we've been here. The most pain I had was not having you next to me holding my hand and leaving little kisses on my cheeks. The babies are getting really feisty and I'm pretty sure it's about time to have some babies." I told him smiling. Everyone in the room awed.


Luke, Jack and Ashton entered the room first. "They said that There's a limit to the room space." Luke said.

"But Michael is the father to these kids!" I yelled in defense.

"I know, Miss Hemmings. Give us about five or ten minutes and only close family and your husband will be in here." The nurse tried arguing.


I heard Michael from outside of the room. "I need to be in there! I'm going to be the dad to the twins that are going to be brought into this world!" He yelled at somebody. As I heard him, I though 'Why did Ashton come in instead of Michael? I get it. He has younger siblings in the room, but Michael is more important.

A pain struck my stomach and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard Michael call my name from the hallway.

"Alright close family only please. everyone else, please exit. Sir, you can come in." the nurse told Michael. Now it was me, my mom, Karen Clifford, Luke, Jack and Ben in the room.

"The babies are coming!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. Michael sat on the chair next to my hospital bed and held my hand with one of his and the other was massaging my knuckles. He was preparing for me to scream and squeeze his hand.

"Breathe, babe." Michael told me.


After hours of pushing, the first one came out. It was our daughter. The one doctor was tending to her as the others were working on getting our son out. Around 12 minutes later our crying son was brought out of my insides. I was still in pain, but yet relieved to be done pushing.

I let go of Michael's hand which I'm pretty sure I broke. I was breathing very heavily, but I had enough breath for a hug and kiss from Michael.

The doctors came in with the twins and gave them both to me. Everybody came in the room. I handed our baby boy to Michael to hold so he could help announce his name. As everyone entered, they all awed.

"We'd like everyone to meet our daughter, Faith Jae Clifford and our son Daniel James Clifford." Everybody awed again and both Michael and I were trying to fight tears.

"Who's the God parents?" Jack asked.

"We've thought about this. We didn't want to do anybody who's related to us, so for Faith, we chose Calum and Arianna and for Daniel who chose Ashton and Cassandra.

We looked at their faces. "Faith looks just like you, Mikey!" I smiled. Then I looked over at Daniel. "So does Daniel! That's not fair! They're basically identical!" I jealously said.

"No no no, They have your mouth and ears and tan skin. The face shape is in between ours. Daniel also has your fingers. Long and skinny." He said.

"Faith has your fingers. Short and stubby." I laughed quietly.

"Shut the fuck u-"

"Michael! Don't swear! That's gonna be their first word now!" Ashton whisper yelled.


When I was finally able to go home, Michael and I put them in their cribs and we had wooden letters that spelt out their names hidden in the closet. We put the letters in an arch to say 'Daniel & Faith' on the wall that their cribs are at.


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