Chapter 16

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Once my parents left, it was just me and Mike in the hospital room. We had a conversation about school and what I had missed. I'm glad that Michael cares about me this much, but I worried him too much. "Hey Mike."


"I'm sorry for worrying you or scaring you or anything. I honestly don't know how that happened and I'm just extremely sorry for any trouble or mishap I caused." I apologized.

"Ashleigh, you don't have to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I think I should tell you something. The thing is that I don't want to hurt you or make you mad at me. I don't ever want to lose you again, Ashleigh. Those were the worst weeks of my life and I'm glad that you're okay now. So, if I'm gonna tell you this, just know that it meant nothing to me." He spoke and I honestly was scared of what he would say.

"Awwww, that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me! I promise I won't be mad, Michael." I assured.

Michael took a deep breath in before responding. "Okay, umm, I'm just gonna say it. I brought pizza, but I ate it." he said. "I'm sorry, Ashleigh."

I began to laugh. He knitted his eyebrows at my reaction. I knew he was telling the truth and there wasn't anything worse because of the truthful look in his glossy, green eyes. "Michael, please tell me your joking!" I laughed.

He shook his head. "Why are you laughing? I'm sorry, but I'm not joking." He sighed which made me laugh harder.

"M-Michael! Stop! I'm dying!" I nearly yelled.

"No, no, no! Dont die! If you die, I die." he admitted and I stopped laughing and stared into his beautiful eyes.

"Awww, Mike! You aware literally the cutest person ever! I meant I was laughing so hard and it was really funny. I wasn't being literal. I don't care if you are pizza that you brought. I mean, you didn't even know that I would wake up today and you still came. All I need is you. I don't give a damn about some pizza slice." I cooed.

Michael reached over and hugged me. I of course hugged back and my eyes began to water. Michael noticed quickly since he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "I love you, Ashleigh Hemming. And I would love for you to be my girlfriend. Will you agree to be mine?" He asked which made me tear up even more.

"Michael I love you so much, too! I don't know where I'd be without you. Honestly, I would love to be your girlfriend more than anything!" I answered. We kissed for about two minutes before pulling away. My hospital room door opened and revealed a tired Mrs. Karen Clifford. She gasped at the sight of us and smiled.

"Ashleigh! I'm so glad that you're okay. Mike has been so torn without you." She informed me and I smiled really wide.


Last night was a blur. I woke up lying next to Michael and I was quite confused as to why he stayed over night. I turned my head to see Mrs. Clifford laying on a chair. They must've stayed overnight to make sure I was okay even though I was sure that I'd be fine. Id be able to leave this place that I hated so much and I would be able to see my home again and see my friends and yes, even Luke.

I was actually exited to see Luke and I didn't know why. I sat up and noticed that Mike's arm was wrapped securely around me and I blushed. I tried to move his arm, but his grip on me was too tight. "Michael" I groaned. I shook his body to wake him up, but I failed. I forgot, Michael is the deepest sleeper in the world. Ugh, fun!

I finally woke Michael up and as if it were genetic senses, Mrs. Clifford woke up at the same time. "Good mornin'" I greeted.

"Mornin" the replied in unison. I laughed.

"Wow, I never seen anybody have telepathic, genetic powers like you two." I chuckled. Mike rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.


My mom came to take me away from this place. I was so happy! Michael and my mother could finally be back to normal. Speaking of Michael, his mom took him home fifteen minutes after we woke up. They were really nice people and I wouldn't doubt it if I went to see Michael again before the night comes.

We sat in the SUV that belonged to my father. Green Day's Good Riddance played on the radio and I was jamming out. God, I missed punk rock music. Luckily, the drive home wasn't too far, so after Green Day and Blink-182 played, we were just about home.

I jumped out of the passengers seat and literally ran into the glass doors of my house. This didnt surprise me, however, because Luke and I would always bump our heads on the glass and once we broke the back door. Oops.

I skipped up to my room and I was awkwardly greeted to Luke sleeping in my bed. He was only wearing boxers which made this visit to my room strange and I would be lying if I said I liked it. This was disgusting. Guess who's washing her sheets tonight? Me.

"LUCIFER!!!" I yelled. Luke jumped and I laughed, but soon realized that he had a pitched tent in his underwear. What the actual fuck? "Umm... Luke? You a little excited?" I asked still giggling which caused Luke to turn red on his cheeks.

"Uhhh... Ill leave now. Welcome back home, I guess?" his voice shook in embarrassment.

"Lucas, I just got here. Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just a little odd to sleep in your sister's bed while half naked and having her walk in on you during a good dream." He confessed.

"Oooohhh, who were ya dreaming about? Shailene Woodley?" I teased. Luke blushed.

"Maybe..." he hesitantly replied, "Get ready, I'm taking you for ice cream."

"ICE CREAM!!!!" I screamed which made my mother call back to me.


I gasped. "MOM, GET OFF OF TUMBLR! WHAT YOU FIND IS BAD!" I laughed as I walked down the stairs.

"Eeewww, this stuff is nasty! I don't want you on this site, okay?" She asked which made me laugh harder.

"Mom, I'm a fangirl, its fine."


Okay, this update is hella boring... I have nothing to announce anymore, so BYE

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