Chapter 25

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Michael has been in the bathroom for an hour now or ever since I said no to him for sex. I kind of felt bad, but I knew that if something went wrong I could get pregnant and that would be the worst possible thing.

I left the room and building and walked across the street to the drug store. I was gonna be embarrassed for buying them, but I bought a box of Trojan condoms. The clerk lady just eyed me up and down and continued horse chewing her gum then as I grabbed the receipt, she said, "have fun sweetie." Then she winked. Let me just say, she was a creep. As I was leaving, I got an important phone call from my mom.

When I went back to the hotel, I looked back at the stairs and deeply said, "not today, Satan" then I went to the elevator. As I got up to my floor, I exited the elevator and the first thing I saw in the hallway was Michael. He was waddling around and looking at everything. "Michael, what are you doing?" I asked. He jumped and looked strait at me. Next thing I knew, I was being tightly gripped by the colorful haired kitten infront of me.

"Where were u, Ashleigh? You had me worried sick!" He cried.
I instantly felt guilt for not knocking on the bathroom door to tell him I needed something from the store. "Ashleigh, you seriously worried me. As soon as you closed the door I thought you were leaving me and to admit it, I cried." He told me with watery eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I had to get something from the store."

"Oh, that's why you said no. You're on your period. I didn't know that. You seem norm-" I cut him off.

"Hell no I'm not on my period. Michael, let's just go to our room and I'll tell you there." I said and he nodded.

When we entered the room he was begging me for an explanation just like a child. I sighed. "Okay listen Mike, something important has come up and I'm going to have to leave and stay in London for a long ti-" I stopped when Michael's eyes became even more watery and began to tear.

I was waiting until he was okay and would focus on what I'm saying. I rubbed him back and my eyes started watering themselves after I realized I wouldn't get to see Mike for two years. "W-what d-do you m-ean you'll b-be gone for a l-l-long t-time?" He cried. Oh no, he's crying more than I would have thought.

"I will live in London for two whole years, Michael." We both cried heavily. "I will tell you why when I feel you can comprehend with what I say, okay?" He nodded.


After about two hours of crying and hugging and kissing, Michael's eyes were shedding their last tears. "Michael, calm down. Let me tell you what I bought. It might make you a little more happy." I persuaded to stop him from laying on the floor in a curled ball. He was so cute, but I knew he was upset and lightly shaking so I figured the time was right. His gaze turned back to me. I pulled the box out of the bag and threw it at him.

Michael picked it up and looked at it carefully until his eyes focused on the condoms. His face instantly lit up. He was literally a child on Christmas Day, except not really. "Are we going to?" He asked wiping his face dry.

"Yes," I said flat and out. Michael started cheering and walked over to the door to lock it. He then took his shirt and pants off leaving him in underwear. Let me say, there was definitely something long and thick in those boxers.

I took off my jacket, then my shirt, then my pants until I was just in a bra and underwear. 'Okay here we go. I'm not ready for this, but as a gift for Michael I will do it.' I thought.

Michael walked over to me and-

Sorry you guys have to wait another chapter for smut. I promise it will be up later or tomorrow. If you can't wait until then, I have a smut book on my account. Bring holy water please. Goodbye penquins!!!

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