Chapter 8

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"Umm, Michael? Are you missing something?" I asked with a slight chuckle. He looked down at his body and back at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"No. I don't think I am anyways?" He said, but it came out more as a question.

"A shirt," I laughed, "and what's your problem, Mike?"

He looked at me nervously before speaking. He actually looked a little nervous as he scratched the back of his neck. "Oh. Erm... Sorry about that, Ashleigh. Anyways my problem is that I don't know what color to dye my hair next. I was looking for inspiration on Tumblr, but-" I cut him off.

"Wait. Slow down. So, you had me worried because you can't figure out what color to dye your hair and you went on Tumblr for inspiration?" I asked a little shocked. "Yeah what's wrong with that, Hemmings?" I raised an eyebrow at the fact that he called me by my last name.

"Ok first off, punk rock guys don't go on Tumblr. That's a website for fangirls. Second, your telling me that you made me stop what I was doing and come here worried all because you don't know what color your hair should be next? And last of all, please don't call me by my last name, Clifford." I spoke a little more sternly than before and quickly realized how mean I sounded. Michael's confused face turn into a frown. I noticed and I couldn't stand it. "Im sorry if I got loud. I didn't mean for it to be rude, it's just you had me all worked up since you wouldn't tell me the problem. I'm sorry, Mike.

Michael's face instantly lit up. "Its fine. And why did you start calling me Mike?" He asked and I facepalmed myself.

"Well, Michael, I would call you Mikey, but that isn't 'punk rock' so I call you Mike because it fits you more," I made sure that I did the finger quotey thing around punk rock.

"Oh. I like it. Well, anyways, I'm sorry for making you worried and having you here on short notice, but do you think that you could help me?" He asked politely, so I nodded and smiled up at him.

"I will help you tomorrow. I need to get home, but I will be sure to think about colors and color combinations during school, okay?" I assured him. "Maybe after school we can figure it all out. For now, if you need something just text me or call me or whatever. See you tomorrow, Michael."

"Ok and bye, Ashleigh." I walked out of his room, downstairs and closed his front door after walking out. I had to run home in order to be home before curfew.


The next morning, I woke up and picked out my outfit before hopping in the shower. I was going to wear my favorite All Time Low band shirt and ripped skinny jeans. I grabbed my grey Aeropostale sweatshirt since it was windy.

After my shower, I went downstairs to grab something to eat. I was surprised to see a tall figure talking to Luke in my kitchen. I heard a sliver of their conversation and realized that the figure was the curly-cue, Ashton Fletcher Irwin. 'Why is he here?' Was running through my head.

They must've heard me walking because Luke turned around and greeted me. "Good mornin', Ashleigh." I gave him a weak smile since I was still half asleep. I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure that it was Ashton before saying hello.


We walked to school, but Calum wasn't with us this morning, so it wasn't as obnoxious and hectic as usual. "So, Ashleigh, did you figure out what you want for your birthday yet?" Ashton asked breaking the silence. I shook my head no and Luke just sighed, "Come on, Ash." That got both mine and Ashton's attention so we both laughed. "I meant Ashleigh. Anyways, you need to decide because it's only eleven days away. If you don't come up with something that you want, I'm going to buy you a single Mini Peanut Butter Cup and that's it." He scolded.

"And I will keep that Mini PB Cup and cherish it until Jack finds it and decides that his stomach needs more chocolate." I joked which resulted with two laughing boys. Its not rare for Ashton to laugh, especially since he's always cheerful and happy. He laughs at least ten different ways ranging from a teenage girl laugh to and old grandpa's laugh. It's quite funny, so I guess you could say his laughs are contagious.

When the bell rang for a warning that first period was about to start, I ran into Cassandra. Her dirty-blonde hair was in a messy bun and I noticed that she was wearing an ATL shirt, too. We told each other that we would talk at lunch or something and with that, the actual bell rang for first period and I found my way to my class.

It was just any normal class period, except that midway through the lesson, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I waited for my professor to turn around so I could see who was texting me. I adjusted the screen brightness so I could read the name. Mike Clifford🎮


Ok so I'm not going to update tomorrow because I have softball practice and right after that I'm probably going to take a nap and then wake up to eat and then sleep again, but I will update soon. Maybe Wednesday or Friday. I WILL DEFINITELY TRY TO UPDATE WEDNESDAY...

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