Chapter 13

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I arrived home an hour ago and there was nobody home. This was strangely odd, but I shook it off.

There was still no sign of anyone being in our house after two and a half hours, so I called my mom. She answered after three rings. It sounded like there was a lot of people in the background having fun, but not in the dirty way.

"Hello, honey." she greeted. I sighed in relief that she was okay and replied, "Hey mom, where are you?" My phone delayed the call a slight bit. "I'm at a party for my friend at work's baby shower." She answered. I furrowed my eyebrows. There's no way possible that the guys of our house went there. "Do you know where anybody else is?" I asked. "No. They are supposed to be home. Why? What happened?" The reception started fading. "They aren't home nor have they been home. Nothing happened, I was just worried and quite bored." I remarked. She replied. "Well call me if something happens, stay safe. I lov-" The line went dead. I shrugged it off because why not?


Two hours later and still no presence of a human except for me in this household. I got so bored that I decided I would go over to Calum's house. I locked the door and walked out.

As I walked up to Calum's front door, somebody was coming out. I recognized the person to be Calum's older sister, Mali-Koa. "Hey Ashleigh! Calum's not home right now. I think he said he went to his friend's house." She told me. I nodded. "Okay. Thanks Mali."

I walked away and made my way towards Ashton's house to see if he was home or even his sister since we are good friends, too. I knocked on his door and Anne, Ashton's mom answered. "Hello sweetie. Who are you looking for today?" She asked in a soft tone. I bit my lip hoping that Ash was there. "Mainly Ashton." I simply replied. "Sorry, Sweetie, he went to his friend's house. He didn't say whose though. If you want Lauren, she's here." She gave me a smile. "Sure! Thanks Anne," I smiled.

Lauren came out and we were walking back to my house when we saw something strange. A note on the porch of my home was lying down and waiting to be read. I picked it up: Ashleigh,
I went to band practice. I'll be home around 8 or something. If you need anything call me.
Luke xx

I looked at Lauren and opened my eyes widely. "I know where he is! I know where they are! I know where Ashton, Calum and Luke are!" I exclaimed. "Hurry! We have to get there before something happens!"

"Can you first tell me where we're going?" She retorted. I turned my head back at her and waved my arm forward signaling that she followed me.

"Just follow me and you will see!" I called back.


It took a few minutes since we were running to get to the big house that we were chasing after. I didn't even bother knocking I just barged right into Michael's house.

The sight I saw when I walked in surprised both Lauren and me. Our jaws dropped at the picture in front of us. Luke, Ashton, and Calum were beating up Michael and they didn't even stop when we walked in. I saw that Michael was gasping for air that he couldn't receive and he had many wounds.

"STOP!" I yelled which earned attention. Lauren was still frozen, though. The three boys looked at each other and then over at us and then at Michael and back again. Michael grew a smile instantly when he saw me. "What are you doing?!" I shouted. Lauren started tearing up.

Ashton got up and ran over to his sister to comfort her, but she wasn't accepting it. I don't blame her, though. I didn't even want to be near Luke at that point. "Ashleigh. Lauren. Umm-" Luke started. "Shut up Luke! I don't care if Michael did anything wrong! He doesn't deserve to be in so much pain that he can barely breathe! Leave him go!" I yelled. The fact that other than the boys in this house, it was a ghost town, scared me. Were all the houses like this? "Leave!" I shouted toward the boys so that Lauren could stay and help me."

I walked over to Michael and helped him up. "I'm so sorry, Michael. I should have came sooner." I spoke while rubbing his many bruises and scratches. "I didn't even think that they could hurt a kitten. Im sorry."

Lauren finally moved and walked over. "Laur, if you want to leave, you can. Im sorry I brought you to something that I didn't even know what was going on. I know you don't like seeing that stuff." She nodded and said goodbye and soon she was out the door.

"Thanks for coming, Ashleigh." Michael finally spoke up. I gave him a smile and hugged him. My thumbs and pointer fingers rubbed over blood on Michael's face. Suddenly my eyes became glued with his. His beautiful green eyes were now black and blue. (at least they weren't gold and white)

I helped Michael to his bathroom which I sat him on the toilet. "Once again I'm sorry. I will stay here as long as you need me to, okay?" He nodded.


Once I was down to his last injury, a scare in the middle of his forehead, I stopped to look at his body. I looked him up and down to make sure I got everywhere and when I looked back at his face, he had a goofy smile plastered on his face. "What?" I asked him and he giggled, which soon turned into a cough. "Nothing." he simply replied. I looked from the blood on his face to his eyes and leaned in towards him. Soon our lips were connected. I really missed this. Our lips moved in sync.

The kiss lasted about a minute before he pulled away gasping for air. "Sorry, I forgot," I apologized. He just shrugged.

Michael's POV

Ashleigh was cleaning me up from the earlier events and she moved to my forehead. She suddenly stopped to look at the rest of my body. She was slowly skimming my body head to toe and when she got to my waist I couldn't help but grow the biggest and weirdest smile ever.

She was looking at me.

"What?" She asked and I started laughing. Then I coughed from the lack of air. "Nothing." I told her in an unpersuasive way. She rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

I was never this in love with a person that I wasn't even dating. Hell, I was never in love with somebody this much, period. I love Ashleigh Rose Hemmings, but she doesn't love me back. She isn't legal, but that doesn't mean we can't date. Maybe she will accept it if I ask her to be mine? My thoughts on Ashleigh were cut off by her leaning in and kissing me. I immediately started kissing her back and her lips were perfect. I really missed kissing her.

I pulled back for air and she blushed. "sorry, I forgot" she told me. I shrugged and smiled again.

When she was done, my legs were still in pain, so she carried me upstairs. I don't know how she did it, but damn she was strong. She carried my to my room and placed me on my bed. "Do you want me to go or can I stay. Honestly I don't want to see Luke right now." She asked and I paused. I didn't want her to leave. "Can you stay?" I asked and she nodded. She sat down on my TMNT blanket next to me and started rubbing the bruises on my arms. I cupped her head in my hands and went in for a kiss. It wasn't as amazing as the last kiss, but this one was great too. When we disconnected, she kissed my forehead. It was a slight peck, but it felt good. I never wanted her to leave.

I'm sorry. I needed something to be interesting in this fanfic, but it failed. Who Ships Mashleigh tho?

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