Chapter 5

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I was getting a little annoyed with that Michael guy. I turned around and saw him biting his lip. It was pretty hot, but he was still annoying. "Yes?" I said that pretty rudely, but I was already having a bad day so why not make it worse?

He licked his upper lip. "Umm, maybe we could hang out sometime. I mean, if your not busy everyday."

I looked in his green eyes. They were glossy, but they looked comforting. He looked as if he were worried. He looked down at his feet. I hated upsetting people, mainly because people upset me and I know how it feels. "Sure. I guess we could hang out," I casually replied.

Michael grew a smile on his face. He lifted his head up and I could see a really adorable smile. Seeing him so happy made me smile. "Well, I have to go to class. See you later?"

I was walking down to my locker and I was suddenly stopped by Michael again. "Can I have your number?" He looked pretty confident. I couldn't say no. I grabbed a piece of paper out from my pocket and I took Michael's pencil. I wrote my phone number and my name. He gave me the biggest and the cutest smile ever and I giggled. "Thank you. See you later." He speed walked away.


Later that night, I got a text message from an unknown number. I knew it was Michael, so right away, I put him in my contacts as Mikey :-).

Mikey :-): Hey Ashleigh. Its Michael.

I read the text and replied.

Me: Hello. What's up?

Mikey :-): I got my schedule changed so we can have the same study halls and clubs and stuff. Just not classes since your in year 9 and I'm in year 12.

Me: What? Why? You don't even know me that well.

Mikey :-): I know, but I didn't like anyone in those classes, besides I sorta know you. Your also my best friend's sister.

I read that and felt the need to tell Luke before anything so that he could tell me if Michael was a bad influence or not. I didn't respond to Michael right away, but didn't care. I walked to Luke's door and knocked.


"Come in," he happily said. I stood in front of him and showed him my phone. At first he had a concerned look wiped on his face.

"I don't want Michael touching you, Ashleigh. He would break your heart and hurt you. He's been with so many girls. Please listen to me when I say this Ash. Its for your own good."

I looked at him confidently. "Ok. I was coming to ask you if he is a bad influence." Luke smiled at me and I spun on my heels to leave his room. Before I turned the corner, Luke reminded me not to do anything with Michael. I nodded my head and smiled. It was a fake smile. There was something about Michael that I love. I thought he was annoying at first, but now I see who he is.

I honestly regretted having Luke tell me that I should stay away from Michael, because in my heart, I cared for him and I like him. I didn't text back the whole night. Michael would probably be mad at me tomorrow. Maybe Luke is right. Maybe he isn't, though. Why would Luke be friends with him if he gets in trouble a lot and he's bad?

It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about the whole Michael situation and I definitely didn't want him to hate me. I didn't want him to hate my brother either. I didn't want Luke to make a scene in front of the school because of this. So many things were going through my mind that I was getting a headache.

Around three in the morning, I finally fell asleep. I dreamed about how Michael and Luke might hate each other and then that would effect my friendship with Michael. I honestly thought Michael seemed pretty normal and really caring. He was nice too.

I woke up to a loud crash. I checked my radio to see the time. It was currently 6:28 am. I figured that since I had to start to go to school at 7:15, I would stay up. I walked downstairs to see Luke. He was grumpier than usual. He was slamming cabinets and when he poured himself cereal, he threw the bowl down and left the mess on the table.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope this is starting to get interesting... Anyways XskyegraceX is writing a Niall Horan fanfiction and its her first fanfic. Please go read it.



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