Chapter 7

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"Lou, did you break another car down because I swear I don't know how you got your drivers licence, but you need to stop driving so you don't kill somebody!" Niall yelled. I couldn't hold it back, so I bursted out laughing and eventually Louis grew a frown. "Shut up Niall. You're no better!" Louis argued.

"Guys! What are we going to do now?" I interrupted. Both of the boys shrugged. Coincidentally, a dark blue car that I recognized as Luke's pulled up. "Of course. Why can't he leave me alone already?" I groaned as Niall patted my back. He gave me an assuring smile that it would be ok.

We got out of the car and I walked over to Luke's parked car. As soon as I got to his door, his window rolled down and I could see hurt in his eyes. The hurt made his eyes so blue and glossy that they looked like diamonds. "Ash, I'm sorry. I guess I just... I- I don't want you getting hurt, okay? I'm sorry for everything. Will you come home now before you get into anymore trouble with Dad?" He asked and I looked back and forth from my brother to Niall and Louis. They all looked at me to see what decision I would make.

"Ashleigh, you can go home. Don't think you have to come with us..... I mean, you can if you want, but just choose what feels like the right decision." After Niall was done talking, I thought about his words and I heard his Irish accent over and over again. I know what to do.

I opened the passenger side's door and got in. I smiled and waved goodbye to Louis and Niall as Luke and I drove off. This was the best choice for me at this point.


The whole car ride consisted of talking about Michael. Luke wanted me to be happy and Michael makes me happy.

We were talking about how Luke still wanted to be friends with Michael and how he was going to fix that. Then, the conversation ended as we pulled up in our driveway. Luke parked the car and we got out. I forgave Luke.


Michael's POV
I was pretty angry at Luke, but I knew he was only trying to protect Ashleigh. I just don't understand why because Luke and I have been mates since primary school. I didn't know what to do anymore. Or furthermore, I didn't know what to expect anymore. All of my train of thought was cut off by a buzz in my back pocket. I pulled out my phone to see Ashleigh Hemmo. She called to FaceTime, and I answered.

"Hey Ashleigh, what's up?" I spoke as soon as I saw her smiling face that was just recently a sad face.

"Hey. Listen, I know your mad at Luke, but he was just trying to protect me. We talked about it. He still doesn't like the idea of his sister hanging around with his best friend, but he's trying to do what's best." Ashleigh informed me and I nodded.

We talked furthermore about Hell, aka school, and who knows what else. I partially zoned out during our conversation. Mainly because when you have a really hot girl with a really pretty voice in front of you, you get lost in trace of thought. I was snapped back into reality when she said goodbye. "Bye. See you tomorrow." I ended the call.

Alright, so that probably summed up everything that I wanted to know about her and Luke and shit, but because I zoned out, I heard nothing except for angels singing. I tried to regain my focus by playing Xbox. I opened up the Grand Theft Auto 5 case and put the disc on the tray of my console.

Ashleigh's POV
I hung up the FaceTime with Michael because my mother called for supper. I skipped downstairs and walked into the quiet dining room. The smell of chicken filled the room. I sat down where I normally sat, in between my brothers, Ben and Luke.

I got a plate and on it, I had a chicken breast with a spoonful of mashed potatoes. Yes, a spoonful. I ate my chicken breast peacefully until I was invaded with questions starting with "how was school, Ash?" I answered my normal response. Good. Then the question of "did anything interesting happen today?" Asked by Jack. I shook my head and Ben spoke up. "Something interesting happened to me! I asked out Julie Reinbach and she said yes!" I knew who Julie Reinbach was and so did my other siblings. She was basically a college slut. How do I know her you may ask. Well, at my old school, a boy attended named Chase Reinbach. He had his older sister pick him up after school each day. She wore a sports bra and short shorts. Her face was covered in makeup, so she looked like a clown that belonged in a horror movie. And for the record, her hair was full of knots, and I don't know how that's attractive or how she even put them up into pony tails. She honestly looked like a train wreck and I bet she still does.

"She's a slutty prostitute, Ben. Don't trust her." Luke muttered which earned a laugh from both Jack and me.

"You know what, Luke, screw you! She isn't at all like that!" Ben retorted. I muttered a "surrre" under my breath. Once we all ate, I went up to my room and saw that my phone was ringing. I answered, not even checking the caller id. I instantly heard the voice of Michael.

"Hello? Ashleigh? I need your help!" He talked through the phone.

"Why? What's wrong, Mike?"

"Just... Well, do you think you could come over ASAP?" He asked nervously.

"I mean, I'd have to ask, but I don't see why not."

"Ok. Just text me or something letting me know if you can and when."

"Ok. Talk to you in a bit, Mike." After saying our byes, I hung up. I immediately asked my mother if I could go to a friend's house. Luckily she didn't ask who, she just said sure.

I walked out of the house and texted Michael.

Me: Hey I'm leaving now.

Michael: Ok

Me: What is the problem anyways?

Michael: I will explain. I promise

Me: Ok. See you in a minute.

Michael: See ya

Before I knew it, I was at Michael's front door. I knocked to see Karen, Michael's mom, opening the door. "Hello. Are you looking for Michael?" She asked and I nodded. "He's upstairs. Second door to the right." I thanked Mrs. Clifford and walked upstairs. I knocked on the second door, which I was told is Michael's and within the first three knocks the door flung open revealing a shirtless Michael.


Hey! I know this chapter is really boring like usual, but things are getting interesting.

I'm also sorry for not updating... Anyways I'll update later or tomorrow. I still have to do a full book report that's due tomorrow and I didn't even read the book...


If you are a Directioner, you should check out XskyegraceX because she's writing a Niall James Horan fanfic!


Also my softball practices are starting this week, so I won't be able to update as much. Updating will mainly occur on weekends.

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