Chapter 11

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Luke's POV

I answered Ashleigh's phone since its been going off and hasn't stopped. I pulled it up to my left ear and said "hello?" On the other end of the phone, I heard what sounded like glass shattering. "Hey," Michael replied in a shaky voice, "Why are you on Ashleigh's phone?" He said extremely calm.

"Do you know how upset you made her? Did you really make out with Savannah and then leave school with her and not text Ashleigh back until you felt the need to call? Because I swear, Michael, your hurting my baby sister and I don't appreciate it. If you lie to me about this and I find out, you will regret it!" I threatened. Michael was silent for a few seconds before responding. "Luke, I didn't know that I hurt Ashleigh by not responding. In my defense, I was in Mrs. Thomas's class and you know how she is with phones. As for me and Savann-" I cut him off. "Hang on, Michael." I put the phone on speaker. "Okay. Continue." I instructed.

"Okay. As I was saying, for me and Savannah, no I didn't make out with her. I did, but-" I cut him off again. "Michael! Did you seriously not just hear me tell you not to lie to me?"

"No, I'm not! I swear on my hair! I did kiss Sav, but I didn't. She came up to me and started messing around and pinned me against the lockers and basically are my face. I swear on every last piece of hair on my head, I did not kiss back." He protested. I looked over at Ash and her eyebrows were weaved together.

"What about you leaving school early?" I asked.

"Well, Savannah felt sick, so I took her out to my car and drove her home and I told her to go back later for her car. I promise you I didn't do anything. Why? What did you hear?" He asked.

"It's too long of a story. You will find out tomorrow what happened when you see mine, Calum's, Cassandra's, and even Ashleigh's injuries." I basically yelled. Ashleigh looked at me with a slight smile wiped across her face when she heard what Michael said, however, the line went dead. We both sat frozen and shocked by Michael's move to hang up the phone. "He didn't even hear the rest of what I had to say." I blurted out.

"Oh well, at least we know now what happened.


Ashleigh's POV

I woke up the next morning extremely tired for some random reason. I just decided to go with it and if I needed to, I would grab a coffee. Sure enough, I walked downstairs and I was greeted with Luke. "Good morning," his raspy-deep morning voice groaned. "Mornin" I greeted. We did our normal morning routine and today Ashton was helping out. We met up with him at the first stop sign and they discussed their weekend plans. This morning, I didn't talk because I was upset about the previous day. However, I heard Ashton say Michael's name and that made my attention gazed on their conversation. I listened closely with my head cocked to the side. "So Michael was calling me yesterday and asking me to keep something from you. I don't know what though because after I agreed, which you know I would have broken that, he hung up." Ashton said. The fact the Michael had a secret hiding from me and Luke made my head almost burst off. Luke could see my anger and he hushed Ashton and hugged me. "Don't think like that, Ashleigh. We don't know what it is." He spoke softly. I agreed and just as my anger was being managed Ashton said, "Did you hear about Savannah, though?" Hearing her name made me infuriated. I huffed and stomped away quickly. Luke and Ashton began to catch up to me, but I started running until I collapsed on the ground in front of our school. Luke bent down to calm me down. "See what you did, Ashton? Please don't talk about the girl who flunked Kindergarten or the boy who is about to be bald around Ashleigh, please. I know you don't know, but a lot is happening and I will explain more, just not now." He explained.

I was finally calming down quite a bit and we walked into school just in time to get to class before the late bell went off.

Halfway through Calculus, I received two texts from two different people. The first one was Michael. 'Hey. Listen, I'm sorry for whatever I did, but I swear if I hurt you by taking Sav home, then just know that I'm sorry.' I shook my head in disapproval at his message. I just backed out of our conversation without answering and checked to see the other text. An unknown number texted me.

The unknown number simply said hello. I decided to just go with it and try to figure out who was texting me. "Hello," I replied. "Ashley, I will need to see you later." Unknown person said. I furrowed my eyebrows and then rolled my eyes at my misspelt name. "Umm actually it's Ashleigh, not Ashley... And might I ask who you are?" The anonymous person replied quickly with, "Whatever. It doesn't matter who I am. Just meet me at the tennis court after school," the message read. "And what if I don't?" I responded. My professor walked by so I put my phone down. My phone buzzed as soon as the professor walked passed and I made sure he wasn't looking before I checked the message. "You won't have a protective brother anymore. I'll make sure of it." I read.

Even if it was fake, I'm not risking Luke's life over something for me. "Sure. Fine. Whatever I'll be there. Do I need anything?" I asked. mm The next message popped up reading, "Don't bring anybody, don't tell anybody about this, and you shouldn't need to bring anything. I'm watching you, Ashleigh Hemmings."

Who do you guys think that anonymous person is?


Sorry this chapter is really short and dumb...Its a filler and plus, this whole story is shit. If you guys are reading this or even made it this far into the book, hello and how do u do it? There's so many boring updates and I barely can even proofread my updates.

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