Chapter 9

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Mike Clifford🎮. I read the text as quick as I could so I wouldn't get caught. 'Hey... What are you doing?' It read. I sighed and waited a few seconds before replying 'Sitting in math listening to people answering questions and ignoring the professor. Why?' After that I saw that he read it, but he didn't reply. I shook my head, but since I sat in the back, nobody really saw me.

Later on in the day, my head started to hurt to the point that it was throbbing. I had taken two tests already and Michael still didn't respond. I was getting worried, but I thought positively. 'Maybe his phone died, maybe he didn't want to be caught, maybe he had no reason to text me and he didn't know how to respond to why. Or maybe he didn't want me getting caught.' I thought.

The bell for class to end rang and it was time for lunch. I figured that I would ask Michael why he didn't respond and if he's okay. However, when I got to the cafeteria, I couldn't see him. He hasn't came up to me in the halls between classes, he didn't respond to my text. What's going on?

I walked over to Luke as Calum and sat down. I saw that Cassandra was sitting alone, so I asked my brother if she could sit with us. We nodded. I walked over to Cassandra and sat down next to her. "Hey Cass, why are you sitting alone?" I wondered. She looked at me with a frown. "Hey, it's fine. I'm fine. I'm used to sitting alone." She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows. Did she not have friends? Nah, she's really nice, she must have lots of friends. I thought to myself. "Oh, well would you like to sit with me?" I looked at her and she nodded.

I brought Cassandra back to our table and introduced her. "Cass, this is my brother Luke, and that is our friend, Calum. Calum and Luke, this is Cassandra." I moved my arms in the unnecessary way that people on TV do when they introduce people. They each said hello and we went to get our lunch.

When we came back to the table, I asked Luke and Calum if they've seen Michael at all today. Luke said no, but Calum said he saw him in homeroom. I was hopeful when I was told that he was at school. "I haven't seen him at all and he texted me so I texted him back first period, but he didn't respond. He read it though. I was really worried." I sighed in relief. We were eating our lunches and having an everyday conversation until one of the most popular kids, Shane, came over. I didn't notice him until he tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to face him with his girlfriend, Caitlin practically eating eachothers faces. Once they finally stopped, Shane looked at me in disgust. I should be the one looking at him in such disgust, but no, he is. "Yes?" I snapped. He raised an eyebrow. "Woah, what's your problem, Hemmings?" Luke turned around weaving his eyebrows. "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or is it because your boyfriend left school with Savannah after kissing her." Shane was getting on my nerves so much.

"What the hell, Shane! Don't call me by my last name! I have a first name you know?! And also I don't have a 'boyfriend'! Why are you here anyways?" I practically shouted grabbing my head. If I thought my head was throbbing earlier and I was getting annoyed from it, I was wrong. Now my head was beating like my heart and my brain switched places and is the size of a pumpkin.

"Chill down, Hemmings. I'll call you what I want. As for your boyfriend, yes, Michael kissed Savannah and they left school together. I thought I should tell you that." By now the whole left side of the cafeteria was quiet and staring at us. The crowd 'ooooooohed' and I couldn't take this anymore. My head was on fire. I stormed out of the room and ran to the farthest water fountain in the hallway before I crashed on the ground and the tears streamed out of my face. My head was in my hands and I was rolled into a ball laying on the ground not caring if anyone was staring.

I was alarmed seconds later when a hand grabbed my shoulder. I looked up to see Cassandra. She sat down next to me. "Hey, Ashleigh, it's fine. I mean not Michael, that's not fine, but Luke and Calum are taking care of that bitch for you. No need to worry. And for Micha-" She paused as I cried even louder hearing his name. I finally caught my breath and told her strait out, "me and M-Michael aren't a th-thing, and my head was hu-hurting all da-ay. This ruined everything for me. Just when I-I was becoming okay with this sch-school, everything went wrong. I'm leaving and don't be s-surprised if I don't show up tomorrow!" I stuttered, practically yelling and soon I stormed out of school. I didn't have my backpack, but I didn't care. Luke knew my combination, hopefully he would get my stuff.

I arrived home and Ben and Jack were home since they don't go to school anymore. They go to college, but they didn't have any classes today. They did have college dorms, but they preferred home better. As I walked through the, door still crying, my older brothers noticed and Jack ran up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "What are you doing home and what happened?" He asked like my mother would ask. I took a few deep breaths before responding.

"First off, I've had a horrible headache all day. Then, Michael left school with a girl after kissing her apparently, then, at lunch Shane Davidson came up to me and made a huge scene and was making fun of me. And worst of all, he was telling people me and Michael are dating and he's my boyfriend and shit and that got to me. Now, my head hurts 10 times worse and I can't go to school anymore. I was just trusting that school, but now I think I'm just gonna go back to my old school. I'm a reject and everybody knows it!" Jack pulled his arm away from my back and his jaw dropped. Ben came closer to me, but I just ran upstairs and laid on my bed crying.

My mom, Liz, came into my room with a glass of water and a pill. She wiped away my tears. "M-Mom, I-I thought y-you were at-t work today?" I stuttered. She looked at me and smiled.

"I got a call from Ben saying that you came home from school and he told me why. I don't think he got every detail, but I won't ask." She smiled.


As my mom finally walked out of my room, my phone buzzed. Michael tried calling me. I left my phone ring and threw it. I didn't want to talk to anybody, especially him. I was beginning to like Michael more than a friend, but he obviously wasn't. He hurt me.

I picked my phone up after it was done ringing and checked my notifications. I had 16 texts from Luke asking where I went and if I was okay, I had 3 missed calls from Luke, I had 1 missed FaceTime from Michael, 6 missed calls from Michael, and now, 25 texts from Michael telling me to respond. I didn't. I just put my phone down on my nightstand and fell back on my bed.

It was almost like music without lyrics listening to all of the buzzes and rings my phone made. Within an hour, I heard the front door shut and I heard somebody calling my name. I could barely hear him or her over the buzzing of my phone, but I could faintly hear what they said. He or she yelled my name. "Ashleigh!"

A/N: DO YOU GUYS EVEN READ THESE? Comment your otp if you are reading this and you read the other updates. Anyways... I'm pretty sure this is the most boringest chapter ever. I don't care if boringest isn't a word... This chapter was shit and I know I messed up by adding it, but I'm sorry.

Also, my friend XskyegraceX is writing a Niall fanfic. Check that out too.



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