Chapter 4

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"The music teacher, Mr. Smith, says he wants me to help out a few times a week." Ashton explained. I knew Ashton, and every time we met, nobody used our shared nickname, Ash, instead they used our full names.

We were walking for a while and got to the large brick building. It looked better and more official than my older school. We went and got our schedules, then we found our classes. We are allowed to have our phones, just not for cheating or anything, so while I was in my first period class, Pre Calculus, I texted my brother. I only sent the word 'hey' and within a minute he replied.

Luke: Hey. Is something wrong?

Me: Yeah, but it's nothing so I'll leave you alone.

Luke: No, what happened?

Me: Walking into Pre Cal, some kid tripped me on purpose and the whole class laughed at me. Then, I was called on to answer a question and I got it wrong and they laughed again. Now, everybody is talking to each other in whispers and they keep glancing at me. Its not even an hour into school and my day already sucks.

Luke: Don't let them get to you. 3rd period come to my locker.

Me: okay.

That ended our conversation. The rest of first period went pretty well, except for the fact that I knew people were still talking about me. I went to second period, which for me was biology, and there were already rumors spread about me. I even heard my brother's name in the one rumor, but I couldn't hear any of them completely. I was used to being bullied and being made fun of, but when it came to them involving my brother, I was always upset and angry. Me? Ok. But my brother, the only one in my family that I feel actually loves me, he doesn't deserve getting involved.

Second period was over. It already felt like I was in school for four hours, but it was only an hour and a half. I went into a hallway full of gray lockers. I knew which one was Luke's. I walked to it and he was there putting books away. "Hey," I fake smiled.

"Hey. Don't let anybody get to you Ashleigh. Don't believe what they s-" I cut him off.

"Luke, they already spread rumors and got you involved. I don't want you getting into fights because of me, and I don't want people talking about you." Luke looked at me with his eyebrows up. "I know, but please don't get into anything because of me." I said as Calum walked over with another boy. I didn't know him or his name. I had seen him before, but I didn't know where I saw him and there was something different about him. Back when I saw him first, he had white hair with a black line through the middle. Now, his hair is purplish-blue and it looked nice. He also had an eyebrow piercing and an arm tattoo. He was really hot, but I wasn't going to say that. Luke and I stopped talking when they came over.

"Hey Luke. Isn't this your sister?" The boy asked.

"Yeah... And refer to her as Ashleigh, Michael." Luke defended.

"Nice name Ashleigh Michael." the boy, who I'm assuming his name is Michael joked.

"Stop being such an idiot," Calum smacked Michael. Luke and Calum walked away because they had to get to class.

Through the corner of my eye, I could see Michael staring at me. It wasn't the stare that I'm used to. It was more of a 'I like you' stare and I couldn't understand why he was staring at me. I turned to face him. "Yes?" I asked. He shook his head as if he awoke from a daydream.

"Huh?" Michael questioned.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I've seen you before. I remember your face. Your Ashleigh Hemmings." He covered his mouth.

"Yeah I am. I'm not famous, why are holding your mouth like I'm Alex Gaskarth or something? Don't you have to get to class?"

"You ask a lot of questions. I do have to get to class. I will see you later?"

"Sure?" I looked confused.


Lunch came by quick and I still had no friends. I sat with my brother because I was put in the senior lunch for some reason. Michael, Calum, and Ashton were there too. I sat down in between Luke and Ashton. The whole time, Michael was staring at me. I don't even think he took a bite of his cheeseburger.

We were eating and talking about our day and they guys were asking me questions. Especially Michael. I don't know how I haven't met him because he is a really good friend to Luke. Soon lunch was over.

I was leaving the cafeteria and then a familiar voice was saying my name. Michael.

"Hey. Ashleigh?"

Sorry this is a short chapter. Stuff is gonna get interesting. Do you guys ship Ashleigh and Michael? Mashleigh?

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