|ღ| Single Father |ღ|

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"This isn't really an x reader, but can you write an alternate universe where Norman is a single father with the reader as a baby?"

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: Modern Au

Spoilers: None

A/N: Here's another request <3 I'm not quite sure if I did it correctly, but I hope it's okay. TwT

Art Credit: ろじ (@popnnpn) on Twitter

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♡Norman as a single father would have to balance his life - one for work and one at home to take care of his child. Though, he would usually need his friends Emma and Ray to help babysit her when she is younger.

♡He already had the skills and knowledge of working around the house, but things like cooking he would have to learn. If he had any spare time he would probably spend it on culinary classes.

♡Needless to say for her years as a baby, Norman would require quite a bit of assistance from his friends until he got into the swing of being a father and having a job at the same time.

♡The more she grows up, the easier and more used to it he would become - Emma and Ray's help wouldn't be as necessary, but occasional now.

♡Norman tends to make home cooked meals for himself and (Y/n) as much as possible. Though, with his busy schedule there are quite a few times where takeout is an option.

♡He tries to also remanage his work schedule so he can spend more time with his daughter at home - would probably buy her a pet when she's old enough just so she had some company after school when he's not home.

♡Can expect him to have playdates with her where she dresses up like a princess and so does he - he'll put on a tiara and boa while she pretends to make them tea.

♡Money isn't an issue - given his intelligence and skills he would have a pretty sufficient job. He's not rich by all means, but definitely makes a higher than average income.

♡With a daughter he is much gentler and more protective. He will spoil her on the occasion - mainly only on her birthday and holidays - and spend a lot of attention to her needs, which he needs help from Emma to figure out when she becomes a teen.

♡God, when she's a teenager he would be so unbelievably lost and panicked. She just so... moody all the time? One minute she seems fine then the next she's locked in her room blasting (F/m).

♡Norman does his best to make sure she's alright and ask if anything may have happened at school, but at the same time he makes sure to give her any alone time she needs.

♡Lots of father daughter dates on the weekends - it could be something as simple as going to the park or movies, or something bigger like visiting an amusement park. Whatever she wants he'll let them do - within reason, of course.

♡Is 100% one of those father's that if she ever feels insecure, he will go on a whole rant about how amazingly beautiful she is, which will more than likely embarrass her.

♡Also anyone that breaks her heart, oh boy they better be prepared to face the wrath of Norman. Hurt his sweet child in any way shape or form and he will be outside their house with a bat.

♡Just kidding... maybe..?

♡He's just very overprotective. This would also include strict curfew rules and about where she could and couldn't go. He would need to have updates where she is at at all times and who she is with.

♡Norman loves his daughter to bits; so, if anything were to happen to (Y/n) it would absolutely destroy him. That's why he may seem overbearing to her, but he's just trying to keep her safe.

♡Things like homework he can easily help her out on - education will be something he can tend to the most with her and the easiest. He's very patient too with her, so if she doesn't understand after a few times he'll merely take a different approach.

♡If homework is stressing her out, he may even do some of the work for her? He doesn't often since she doesn't learn if he does the work; but, if it truly is overwhelming her very badly then he will get it done for her so she doesn't need to worry.

♡Pretty much is rather lenient with her and does his absolute best to make sure she's living a happy life while also setting her up for a bright future.

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