|ღ| Best Life |ღ|

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"Can you do a part two to Married Life?"

Type: Fluff

Warnings: None

Au's: None

Spoilers: None - takes place in the human world

A/N: Sorry if any of these are repetitive from the last part, I was too lazy to look over it again dkskd xd
Hopefully there's new stuff though and I hope you like it ;u;

Art Credit: ろじ (@popnnpn) on Twitter

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♡As parents, Norman and (Y/n) would more than likely tell their kids about their experience in the demon world in the form of bedtime stories. At least when their younger and make it more kid friendlier, but were they ever curious when they become teens or older, then they would definitely share on that chaotic tidbit of their life.

♡They both try to spend as much time as possible with their children. On weekends they usually plan out a whole little day for all of them to enjoy and go out as a family. It can consist of really anything, like the movie theaters, an arcade, bowling alley, shopping, going out to eat, etc.

♡Norman is of course the stricter parent out of the two, so (Y/n) tends to be the one that spends more time with their children - especially since he works a lot more than she does as well. He's definitely a workaholic and she sometimes has to drag him away from his work, whether it's to spend time with them or just to take some time to hismelf.

♡While they love their children, it can become exhausting and a hassle. So every few weeks or so they'll take a weekend to themselves and go out and perhaps rent a hotel just so they can be alone for a day or so. Ray and Emma usually look after the little rascals while they do this - more so Emma than Ray, really.

♡Their married life definitely consists of their children - no matter at what age - getting grossed out whenever the two are lovey dovey with each other. Norman makes sure to give (Y/n) a kiss every morning, both to show his love and he finds it amusing how their children will fake gag at the scene.

♡(Y/n) would probably tease them on how they'll have the same thing she does with Norman someday. She finds that thought adorable, but Norman on the other hand not so much with his protective side.

♡"You know, someday you'll have a boyfriend or girlfriend of your own and treat them the same way~"
"Absolutely not."

♡Family game nights are always an occurence, sometimes on school nights as well. It's mainly just (Y/n) and Norman watching their children play the games while they just cuddle, but sometimes they also join in if they insist - if that happens then they easily get competitive against each other. Their children will be oblivious while (Y/n) and Norman are secretly at war.

♡(Y/n) is a very attentive mother and wife that makes sure they're all happy and have what they need. Norman and herself tend to split house chores, yet she tries to do most of it since he's usually tired after being at work - even if he won't admit it, she can tell. There are days she'll literally call off work for him because he looks so exhausted and she honestly doesn't think he can even get out of bed - in which case she'll stay in bed with him all day while their children are at school. 

♡When they have those little bits of alone time, Norman is very affectionate. Since it doesn't happen as often he makes sure to smother his wife with every ounce of love he has - she can expect to be covered in kisses and have quite a few lovebites and hickies scattered around her skin. Basically he won't let her leave his arms for even a second on those days.

♡Honestly, as they grow up they'd probably be more relieved when they're teens and go out with friends more. It worries Norman to some extent, but it finally gives him a lot more time to spend with (Y/n) - which he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss being around her alone.

♡As teens, Norman would be the one that tends to discipline them if they act way out of line and do something they aren't supposed to. (Y/n) can do the same as well, though if it gets to the point where she is the one scolding and lecturing them, then everyone in the household will be scared. She's very scary when angry.

♡(Y/n) is a lot more open to her children on the romance side of things and even tries to pry into their love life. Meanwhile Norman doesn't want to hear a thing about it, at least for his daughter since that's who he is most protective about. If he even here's the word boyfriend best believe he be grabbing the bat.

♡Since Norman's dream was to travel when they got to the human world, when their kids are more so adults they would definitely plan trips all together if they can and visit various places all over the world. If their children can't come along with them, then they'd be the parents to bring back a ton of sovereigns - or at least (Y/n) would.

♡It'd be pretty emotional for the two to watch them grow up and move out to college, but they always try to visit on holidays or whenever they have a break. Even as they grow up their family is still close and gets together whenever they can.

♡Not gonna lie, Norman would probably want another child after they grow up. He's just scared that he's losing his own family now, even though that isn't the case. Growing up in Gracefield he never experienced these types of things so it's only natural for himself - if not then both of them - to be frightened to some extent and not understanding even after their time spent in the human world.

♡They only want the very best for their children, and will more than likely pop into their adult lives more often than not to make sure they are doing okay and managing on their own.

|✿| The Promised Neverland: Norman × Reader Oneshots |✿|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang