Meeting the In-laws

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^ Female Ten is prettier than me and I take personal offense to that

Jacob didn't get a wink of sleep. He was up all night thinking about nothing other than Vines and Kevin.

Damn... his mind was booked. Too busy for sleep.

Even when the sun's rays broke through the curtains, he whispered a vine reference. For those of you who are curious......

'lOoK aT aLl tHoSe cHiCKeNs'

It was that one.

Once he felt it was appropriate... he stood up and walked out of his room. He was careful though, if Kevin was still asleep he didn't want to wake him up.

He of course grabbed his self care and hygiene products and made his way to the bathroom, going through his daily routine.

He finished up with his pearly whites sparkling and his skin glowing. As per fucking ususal.

Jacob went down the hall and then down the right side of the fancy smancy double staircase feeling like a goddamn princess.

Oh yes- he is beauty, an icon. He is the moment... even in his pyjamas.

He decided to explore the house a bit more because why not? Nah, he was just hungry and wanted to see if there was a cereal bar in this house too.

Guess what? There was.

He had to resist the urge to let out a squeal of complete excitement when he found it.

He had no hesitation. He made a beeline for the lucky charms. Breakfast ain't ever been so nostalgic.

Seriously, he grew up on that shit.

He was sitting on a stool happily munching on his third bowl when Kevin walked into the room.

"Hey Bae."

He turned around and smiled.

"Hey Moon."..... was what he intended to say but he had just stuffed his mouth with cereal so it sounded more like, "aY mUorN"

Kevin let out a snort.

"I see you found the cereal...."

Jacob smiled sheepishly at his boyfriend as he swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Hahaha yeah. I got hungry and I happened to find it so-"

"As if. I bet you sought it out. It's okay though, I bought it just for you so enjoy."

Jacob had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Kevin would.

They'd been dating each other for a little over a month now so as he's gotten to know the younger, he's also come to know that he'd do anything to make the people he cares about happy.

That selfless little shit. Makes his heart flutter doing even the bare minimum and still finds the need to pull shit like this.

"Oh, Angel?"


Kevin gave him a sweet smile, "My parents are back in Korea and they're coming over to look at the house. They'll be here in about an hour and a half."

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