Life Decisions

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^ just..... iconic Mark/ Johnny quotes

Kevin couldn't tell you what he was feeling in this moment.

He was torn between a variety of emotions but not one overpowered another.

It'd been two weeks since his parents' visit and honestly, a lot has gone on in that short period of time.

He was laying awake on his back on this fateful night, staring at the ceiling and thinking about it all.

When his parents had visited, there was a period of time where his mother had dragged Jacob off and left Kevin with his father.

The first topic of discussion was about the plan for him to take up his parents' businesses, fusing them together but, running them his way. That of course, would be taking place scarily soon, in about... the next month or so.

The next thing he and his father talked about, was obviously Jacob. The man practically interrogated him about how he felt towards Jacob. They had established that he was very much in love and so.... his dad pried.

Now, it's one thing for your friends to constantly be on your case and telling you to marry someone.

But when it's your father?

Kevin didn't know how to feel. It's been bugging him for the past two weeks and honestly, it's what's been keeping him up at night.

Also, as the time passed with having Jacob so close to him almost all of the time, he's grown so used to the company of the older. He's grown to appreciate him even more than before and- this was the scary part- has fallen even deeper over the course of the two weeks.

He knew about the, as Jacob's friends called it, the '2 week trial,' and that scared him. He was afraid that his boyfriend would decide that he didn't want to live with him or even worse, he told himself, that Jacob would leave him altogether.

He felt anxious every passing day but it turned out, he didn't have to.

Just the day prior, Jacob had told him that he'd definitely adjusted to living with him and would keep doing so. It was the happiest news that Kevin had heard since the older agreed to dating him.

Yet, now the pressure was on more than ever. He'd made the mistake of taking his excitement to the mess that was his group chat and ended up being bombarded with the same thing they'd sent him anytime he texted.

The gist of it all looked like this:

'Marry him, coward!!!'

Honestly, he could just breathe and then his friends would present him with a five page essay on why he should get married to Jacob.

But he was scared. Like, how does one get married even? There are so many steps and things you gotta take care of and dear Lord it made his brain hurt.

First of all, he'd have to buy a ring.... but what ring would ever be worthy of the Jacob Bae? The price of it wasn't going to be a problem at all for Kevin, it was just, finding a ring that could let his lover's beauty shine through it.

Second, he'd have to actually work up the courage to get down on one knee and pop the question. That question of course also came with the possibility of rejection which only terrified him more.

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