vIbEs aNd sCarEs

573 39 58

^ damn... me liking my own story? Sounds fake to me

"So... after moonbae gets married, what's next?"

Jacob smirked, "Then the rest of you do the same with your boyfriends. Obviously."

Eric flushed a bright red, clearly flustered at the idea of marriage. Sunwoo on the other hand, he looked mortified.

Oh look, a taste of their own fucking medicine!

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

The blondie scoffed, "The hell you mean? You were on my case about getting married!"

"Because you're old enough," was the exact words that left Sunwoo's lips.

What? The? Fuck?

"Are you calling me old!?"

The boy gulped, "No-"


Jacob whirred on Eric, "eXCuSe mEh?"

The maknae ran to hide behind the railing of the stairs they were sitting at... as if that actually made him invisble.

"I can still see you, bitch."

Eric shook his head, "Baby, I'm not even here. I'm a hallucination."

Well, bonus points for the meme I guess but... no.

Mr. Toronto wasn't taking any of this shit. Not today, not tomorrow and not ever.

"You call me old? Then I'll call you a fucking zygote!"

"Not gonna lie... I have no clue what that means."

I see. Uneducated with a side of a death wish. Wonderful. Just marvelous.

Sunwoo laughed now, "Go back to biology."

Eric scrunched up his nose, "Ew. No. I hated that class and didn't even pay attention half the time."

The eldest of the three snorted, "We can tell, hun."

Of course the youngest mocked offense, "Hey! I'm smart!"

The bickering never died down until the bell rang and sadly, the trio had to make their way to their separate classes.

Did they text during class? Maybe. Did they get caught? No, but Eric came pretty damn close.

He'd somehow used his absent mindedness to his advantage to come up with an excuse that the teacher managed to buy.

Apparently that conversation went a little something like this:

Teacher: Eric, what are you looking down at?

Eric: The chair, specifically the texture. It's a lovely texture to look at but when you touch it? Not so fun. I've been contemplating whether or not I should lick it.

Teacher: Understandable, have a nice day.

You see? Eric may be a dumbass, but at least he's a loveable dumbass. Some people are just 100% dumbass without the loveable.

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