Wedding Planning

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^ me @ people who hate on Kpop for no f*cking reason

A headache.

That's pretty much all life was for Kevin currently.

How the hell did he think that he could manage balancing college, running a company and planning out his wedding all at the same time?

On top of all of that, Dispatch was on his back all the time. Some of those little roaches would sneak around to take pictures of him and Jacob and their friends.

Privacy? Gurl- what is that? They don't know the definition.

He wasn't used to all of the stress, but he's being told he's handling it well. Is he though?

At this point, he felt like he was living on auto-pilot but even that was a really hellish and shitty experience. He felt like he was dragging himself to live another day every time the sun set and rose again.

He felt like the fun, delightful Kevin everyone knew was about to break... but he couldn't let that happen.

He had to stay strong for his fiance.

Jacob deserved to have the fantasy wedding and Kevin was determined to give him that and more.

He wanted everything to be perfect because Jacob's the definition of perfection. He doesn't think he is, which kind of makes Kevin sad because he really is.

Jacob somehow pulls off having all the confidence in the world but no self-esteem. (A/N: quite literally me)

Kevin wants to change that. He's going to help him see just how wonderful he really is. Even if it takes him his entire life, Jacob will know his worth eventually. He's going to make sure of it. (A/N: this is the partner we all need but can't have... 😭)

But here he is, sitting in the office after a long day at college to suffer through five hours of work as a CEO. In between looking at files, he was taking calls from the wedding planner.

The wedding venue was already selected and they had a vague idea of how they were going to decorate it.

Some of the things the planner had suggested were absolutely ridiculous. Why would they need swans? Or even some american basketball team?

All of it was giving him a migraine. He didn't want all of the extra expenses, not that he couldn't afford it, it was just unnecessary.

Kevin may be random, but hiring clowns to perform at a wedding? No, he doesn't want a spongebob themed wedding. No, he doesn't want a Scooby Doo cake. He doesn't want any of that.

So he proposed with a Beyonce reference... that doesn't mean he's batshit crazy. Okay, maybe a little bit.

But all of that other shit was just way too far off the rails. If there's someone who's actually willing to have their wedding look something out of a kid's show is more looney than looney toons.

Bugs Bunny? Daffy Duck? Come collect your goddamn people or I'll call Elmer Fudd to stuff your fucking ass.

No, Kevin knew exactly what he wanted, but the planner was being a little bitch. Like, why the hell couldn't they cooperate? He may have a sense of humor, but don't you push it.

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