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"Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna come for youCome for you"-Au/Ra

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"Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you
Come for you"

9 years later

In the hallowed halls of Malfoy Manor, one could discern that the young twins had, indeed, undergone a significant maturation. Those impish sprites, once found cavorting through the manor's corridors, now displayed signs of burgeoning sophistication. However, their penchant for mischief remained as indomitable as ever, their hiding spots scattered like secrets throughout the ancient dwelling.

On this particular evening, the esteemed Malfoy family was hosting a grand soirée to commemorate Lucius's latest accomplishments within the august chambers of the Ministry. Within these opulent walls, the guests were a veritable parade of high society, their manners as refined as the finest china. Naturally, the children had been enjoined to sequester themselves within the sanctuary of their respective chambers. Did anyone truly anticipate them to while away the hours in dutiful obedience, like house-elves?

In her boudoir, the young, towheaded maiden fidgeted impatiently upon her chintz-covered bed, ears attuned to the resonant click-clack of her mother's heels in the hallway. Her heart raced with anticipation, the desire for adventure gnawing at her very core. Across the hall, her twin brother mirrored her restlessness, awaiting the same signal, that clarion call to commence their escapade.


I heard Draco trying to open my door and how would I know it was him. Obviously he took way too long to do it and mom and dad would  just swish their wands with an alohomora in a second to open a door and the elves would have apparated inside.

"Thena?" Draco's voice ventured into the room, his blond hair falling gently over his forehead.

"Finally, Draco," Athena chimed in with a sly grin, her blue eyes twinkling like a pair of mischievous stars. "You took longer this time."

Draco, ever quick with a retort, responded with mock seriousness, "Well, it's not my fault you can't appreciate the art of suspense, Athena."

The siblings exchanged knowing glances, the unspoken bond of twins and co-conspirators shining in their shared laughter. I couldn't help but smile as I took Draco's hand, and together, we dashed through the labyrinthine hallways of Hogwarts in search of our secret room, a treasure trove of pranking delights.

Finally, we reached our destination, a room tucked away from the prying eyes of others. It was well-hidden, and only those who knew the secret password could gain access.

"Chocolate frog," I whispered, and the door swung open, revealing a chamber filled with a dizzying array of pranks, inventions, and toys that the twins had lovingly crafted over the years.

"Let's see what we can do this time," I suggested, my eyes scanning the room's contents.

Draco pondered for a moment, his fingers drumming on his chin. "How about the snake prank? It's delightfully easy to set up and always gets a good reaction." He grinned mischievously, his thoughts clearly turning toward a particular target. "Maybe we can find that woman who tried to snitch on us last time."

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