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Don't say I didn't warn you

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Don't say I didn't warn you...

The morning sunlight filtered through the majestic windows that showed the creatures underwater. The ethereal beams of sunlight, piercing through the water, cast a warm glow on the stone walls, creating an atmosphere of serene enchantment. Surprisingly, I found myself waking earlier than anticipated, but the unhurried start to the day proved to be a welcome departure from the usual frantic rush to attend classes on time.

Admiring the emerald hues of my Slytherin dormitory, I put on a white button-up shirt paired with a green skirt as part of the uniform, complemented by sleek black heels. I completed the ensemble with the signature green Slytherin cloak and tie, its folds billowing gracefully as I moved. A quick glance in the mirror assured me that every detail was in its place – a Slytherin pride and elegance wrapped in my attire.

Making my way to the common area, I settled onto a single couch beside the window, the morning light didn't change much since our underwater dormitories catched no direct sunlight. The soft beaming torches and lamps, painting the surroundings with a soft luminescence and dark aura. I selected a book from the shelf nearby, its worn spine hinting at the many journeys it had undertaken. The tome delved into the realm of mythical creatures and people, unfolding fascinating tales of powerful individuals with extraordinary talents.

Engrossed in the pages, I lost track of time, the minutes flowing seamlessly into one another. As I immersed myself in the captivating myths, I became aware of the subtle rustle of fellow students settling into the common area. Some occupied the other couches, engrossed in their own morning routines, while others gathered around tables, preparing for the day ahead.

After a spell, I noticed two figures approaching – one brunette and the other blonde. Deciding to take a momentary respite from my reading, I closed the book partially and tilted my head towards them, a silent invitation for conversation.

"Yes?" I inquired, studying the pair of girls before me with a discerning gaze. Their presence hinted at the potential for an interesting interaction in the heart of Slytherin territory.

"Oh, well, we wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Daphne, and this is my sister, Astoria – the Greengrass sisters," the blonde announced proudly, chins up and eyes not leaving mine, as if I was a potential threat.

"Pleasure, I'm sure," I nodded in recognition. "I'm Athena Aquila Malfoy, but I suppose you already knew that. I'm Draco's sister," I added, clearing any potential misconceptions they had in mind. The brunette, Astoria, finally spoke up. "He never told us about you." she said like spitting fire.

I continued, "Well, he's not one to divulge his private life to just anyone. But now you know," I said, watching as Evan emerged from the boy's dormitory. His gaze feeling mine and looking confused. Daphne couldn't resist another comment before me running away, "Why do you hang with all of them? I didn't know they knew you."

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