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As we finished the dinner banquet, Draco and the others started to guide us to the Slytherin common room that by the way was under by the dungeons. A very dark place I might say but it kinda matched the vibe of the reputation the house has. In my opinion, it was perfect looked very comfortable. The password was pure-blood as expected and the common room was lighted by green flamed torches. The view was spectacular we could see underwater and animals fishes and more creatures moving around the big crystal windows.

"This looks so nice." I keep staring at the place feeling a little cold. Draco shrugs from beside me being indifferent, I guess because he has been here 3 years unlike me.

"So the rooms?" Evan asks very much tired, as I chuckle knowing he wants to sleep or be alone.

"I'm showing you yours," Blaise speaks up from behind us, directly at Evan.

I walk around when Blaise and Evan walk to the dorms, while who I guess is Draco is a few steps behind me. I get near a bow window and stare more.

"You're staring a lot." Draco remarks from beside me. I give him a small smile.

"It's very lovely. It's like I want to stay in here forever." I say and have a seat on the couch and snuggle in it.

He tilts his head a bit and chuckles.  "Who knew the hurricane could like a very silent place."

"Well, sometimes I like reading on my own. It is nice to have times where I just stay silent." I say closing my eyes.

"Don't you want to sleep? Tryouts are waiting for you later." Dear brother that is a great reminder you just said.

"When are they?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Two days. So you'll have to get energy." He says and shakes me so I don't fall asleep there.

"Fine, I'm going to my dorm," I say opening my eyes and stretching myself.

"Do I get my own dorm?" I say sleepily while Draco drags me in the right direction.

"Dad specifically asked and paid for the little princess dorm, I, on the other hand, share with Blaise because the ungrateful one said he didn't like the idea of sleeping with the gorilla- Crabbe and Goyle." I chuckle as he almost called them Gorillas.

We abruptly stop because I don't know what. I look at my brother and he looks in the middle of scared and cautious. I look in the direction and see the pair of Riddle boys whispering and looking like fighting in front of us. We then keep walking to them but only to take a turn almost beside them.

"This is where we separate. Father made sure to give you the last dorm in the middle for you. And be careful with everything. Right now, you don't know who to trust." He says adverting me as I nod in understatement.

"Goodnight Dray," I say and he gives me a kiss on the head as a goodbye. I walk into the hall where most doors were closed but only a few were open. I look around and some girls just ignore my presence or stare badly at me but I don't really care about their feels towards me. I arrive at the end where another dark wood dorm awaits to be open.

I take my wand out, "Alohomora" I say lowly. The big door opens and a bid semi-circled dorms are on my view now. The room looks like the common room just a bit colder.

I take my wand and signal the door again with it, now saying "Colloportus" for locking it. I see my stuff in the room meaning that some elf must have placed it in. I take Silas out and put him on the desk. He starts to sneak around while I take some food for him out. That's the only thing I don't like about this pet, it's weird gross food.                                               

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