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We went back into the house to find dry clothes and eat something Polly left for us. In the meanwhile, I sat on the kitchen aisle and Draco prepared the plates and food to bring it over.

"So any news you have to tell me?"

"Not really. Hogwarts can create rumors even if you're picking up a quill from the floor" he shrugs.

"What about that Potter kid? Is he a friend of yours or what?" I ask curiously.

"All the opposite actually... I tried to be friends with him when we arrived at Hogwarts but he chose others. Besides he is a Gryffindor."

"So what if he is a Gryffindor, I really sometimes think you're dumb to believe dads stupid rules"

He shrugs not knowing what else to say and we continue eating the served food. Evan appears from the door and looks quite surprised by us sitting in the same room without trying to rip each other's heads off.

"Close your mouth or a fly will go in your mouth," I say sarcastically at him.

"Well, this seems like a miracle!" He says shocked sitting next to me.

"Where did this dude come from?" Draco asks disoriented.

"The Rosier's second son Evan he is our age and basically he is considered my brother my mom and me," I tell him while stabbing my food.

"Yeah and ignore her one more time and you are dead meat." Evan glares and Draco rolls his eyes ignoring the sentence.

"Yeah whatever so why did he come?" Draco asks rolling his eyes.

"Cause he is a good friend and I love his company end of it," I say munching my food.

"Well I'm here now so ..." Draco tells Evan meanwhile Evan steals a piece of my food from my plate.

"Funny, you think that will just mend it? Not close. You don't know her as well as I do and I'm the favorite on the house." He shrugs and continues picking his pieces while I try to get a bottle of juice.

"Well I was born with her so..." Draco uses in defense.

"That doesn't mean you know her at all. Not like you have twin telepathy." Evan spits.

"Well-" I try to say but I get shushed by Evan.

"And if you did it's just getting information not actually knowing the person." He crosses his arms.

Draco is about to reply but the other boys come in the room chatting and discussing other stuff about teams and places.

"I have an idea!" Blaise shouts as loud as possible.

"I'm deaf now thanks." I cringe and hold my ears.

"Oh don't be dramatic! So I was thinking we could play a mini quidditch game." He suggests and I think it's a great idea besides its quidditch, my love.

"Count us in!" I say grabbing Evans's arm as he lets out a muffled sound nodding his head in approval.

"Sure why not." Everyone else says and Draco shrugs in I guess I don't have an option.

" I agree loser buys chocolate frogs."


"Chasers up front!"

I take a step while I see Blaise, Pucey go also up front. We are skinnier than the other ones and that something that helps us for avoiding the others and balancing the broom isn't as difficult.

"Beater step back!"

Alphard, Cygnus step away. Of course the tall ones are beaters.

"Hmmmm we will play no seeker so we are eight."

"I guess we will make Evan and Draco keepers and Theo will be added to the chasers team, any other questions?" Blaise asks everyone and no one bothers to answer. "I will take that as a no. Okay, let's go."

We walk to the broom closet and everyone picks up their stuff and walks outside. I feel my broom that I feel I haven't touched or seen in such a long time and feel calm inside of me.

Everyone is searching for a perfect area to play without bothering checking on the muggles looking at us and freaking out. We grabbed a section in the backyard where there is a good amount of grass and space for us to be moving.

"Okay let's pick captains," Theo says happily.

Evan pushes me on front and Blaise pushes Draco, "okay siblings are rivals." Alphard days laughing.

"I pick first then," I say standing tall while Draco mocks me and rolls his eyes at me.

"Evan," I say.






"Okay teams are made! May the best one win!"

With that the match begins. I zoom up to the sky and grab the quaffle, I feel the pressure of people coming for me so I try to go around the others as a distraction. Pucey tries knocking me over but fails as I smoothly circle him and avoid. As I reach the ring, I aim and throw the quaffle and Draco trying in a lamely way to catch it but missed and with that I scored more points like that .

"Are you tired of watching me destroy you all already?" I say narcissistically.

"She squashed you all." Evan said brushing his hair to the back.

"That she did," Parkinson said crossing his arms.

"Yeah, whatever," Draco says rolling his eyes annoyed by the comments. "Are gonna join the team?" He asks me as I nod.

"Of course I will. I need to bother my brother dearest. And y'all need me if this is how you play on the ground." I say shrugging.

I turn around and see Blaise and Theo on the floor looking very tired. I laugh and sit beside them. "So y'all dead?" I ask the pair while they just close their eyes yawning and sighing. "Well, you all need to do cardio because if you get that tired that's no bueno." I say chuckling.

"I thought you talked French?" Cygnus says sitting beside me.

I nod and say, "I do, I just got some words stuck in my head from other people."

We keep talking for a while and then we start heading back inside ones go straight to the kitchen to devour whatever they find and others go upstairs to shower and clean themselves. I go to my room and begin to feed Silas and he happily accepts whatever I give him. later on I sketch some outfits I had in mind so Miss Zabini could help me make them for casual wearing. Everything seemed okay and that's great but sometimes who knows what's going to come.

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