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I changed the main characters name if you noticed or read my message form days before! I just decided I wanted something else so here it is!

There is a swelling storm
And I'm caught up in the middle of it all
And it takes control of the person I thought I was
-Waves by Dean Lewis

I strolled down the cute cabin and took a trip to the deck. No people were heard, no doors shutting, just the sound of the wind, crickets, water, something peaceful and enjoyable for some alone time. I start walking and humming a song that came into my mind.

"Freedom of falling. A feeling I thought was set in stone..." I carefully watch the dark view it gives me and I sit down, my feet hanging out of the deck touching the cold water of the lake. "It slips through my fingers." I look at my pale skin in the reflection of the water and give a sad smile. "I'm trying hard to let go." I shut my eyes taking a deep sigh remembering how I left France how just one thing happened and it crumbled down like a domino effect. Just one action and everything was a blur. How I stood alone getting blamed and having to get all the consequences on my own. Sometimes I wish I had a switch to my feelings but sometimes they just rush back...

"It comes and goes in waves..."

I lay to see the sky how it's full of sparkling stars. This is a view you can enjoy a lot. I used to get a lot of thoughts about how constellations were found once you get addicted to the topic is hard to forget because it's a lot to read and research. I would love to stay here all the time. Or at least have the view up in my room with a skylight.

"And it carries us away."

Sometime later I've lost track of time and still am outside laying in the freezing night when some footsteps are heard. I don't bother to look in the direction of the noise when it sits down beside me and decides to take a long breath and speak.

"I used to look at the stars when I felt down..." Evan says and I turn to him. Watching how my best friend was hugging himself. "I thought about it would make me less lonely and as much as I did everyone else always had everyone and made me feel worse..." He continued, both watching now the stars as the wind blew in our faces.

"And did it stop?" I ask him curiously and he gives me a small smile and shakes his head. "Not completely but it started to go away when I met you, I felt bad about what happened to you and tried to make something to make it better and you to feel more comfortable but sometimes I felt like I-" I interrupted his rambling, "you thought it would help me get over it and I'm happy about it actually. It made me forget home and at first, I was selfish but you know how my father is, you really can't change his mind so throwing a tantrum and taking it out you wasn't really the option." I give him a comprehensive smile. "It was weird going there barely speaking any French but people got used to me and I started to understand the language. Full of art, and beautiful sights, Valedictorian style everywhere. It looked like a fantasy." I comment and he chuckles.

We fall into silence not an awkward one just comfortable silence until I speak up again. "But it wasn't all like that it became all the contrary of it." I shrug and stand up. "Things change, sometimes for good or bad," I say but mostly to myself. "If it makes you feel better I didn't really liked the idea of a girl at home but with the time I realized it wasn't bad at all you became like a sister to me." He says trying to comfort me. "Our fathers are both just focused on their work and social status, when Lucius is at home he goes to his room or office only meanwhile Narcissa just makes a fake mask and pretends nothing is wrong in the house." He frowns standing up. "Hearing you and your brother fight made me realize one part of both of you just went away with each other he looked hurt and you clouded anger but with reasons to be." He clenches his jaw to hold back feelings but speaks up again, "he isn't doing anything wrong but you aren't either. I guess you both need to sort this out but I guess at its own time."

Evan is really smart at giving advice and I guess one day I will have to do so but I don't think talking to him really that now is the moment of doing so.

"I'm also scared because I know people don't go back to be the same... Not everything can stay the same, like when something breaks it isn't easy to replace most of the time." He sighs but nods slowly, "but I guess I will try to not do anything bad for now I will just keep my distance from him."

I search for his eyes and he raises his head again giving me a small smile and comes to me giving me a warm hug. "I guess we should go back?" I chuckle and return the hug. "Look at us! We had been acting like a pair of grown-ups." I tease him and he shrugs. "And still we know we are both a pair of idiots." I gasp and hit his shoulder playfully.

We started walking back to the house in a comfortable silence just hearing the steps of each other. We reach the kitchen and I sit on an isle table with my feet dangling.

"So how's home?" I ask him suddenly because of curiosity. "Well, I guess it's alright. Mom has sent me some letters asking me about stuff and telling me stuff too but I feel like there is no difference with me being here, mom says she's sorry though she was happy having you there for some girl company, also that my brother is grounded." He says chuckling.

"He had it coming." I say shrugging walking into the house, "I'm going back to sleep now, if you need anything you can come in okay?" I tell him and he nods.

"Night Thena." He hugs me and goes off to his room.

I posted 'shocked'

I want to say that Evan is based on my best friend. He has helped me through so much and I'm glad to have him even in such distance some times.

And Lucius is slightly related to my dad. 

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