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As the wintry winds swept through the towering trees of the Forbidden Forest, Pansy, Luna, and I went out on an spree towards Hogsmeade

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As the wintry winds swept through the towering trees of the Forbidden Forest, Pansy, Luna, and I went out on an spree towards Hogsmeade. The ground was covered in a soft layer of snow, glistening like a sea of diamonds under the pale winter sun.

Pansy led the way to the little town with shops, her wand tucked safely in her cloak. Luna, her golden hair swaying in the breeze, walked beside me, her ever-curious eyes scanning the treetops for the Thestrals she claimed to have spotted earlier that morning. She had a knack for noticing the magical creatures most of us missed and she adored to tell us the new mystical stories she had read somewhere in the library.

Emerging from the forest, we followed the snow-covered path towards the welcoming lights of Hogsmeade. The cozy cottages with their smoking chimneys and the inviting aroma of butterbeer drifting from The Three Broomsticks promised a warm respite from the winter chill.

Hogsmeade, with its winding streets and crooked buildings, was a haven for wizards and witches, and today it was ours to explore. Pansy, Luna, and I strolled down the cobblestone lanes, peering into the shop windows adorned with magical curiosities. Honeydukes offered us treats with its colorful confections, while Zonko's Joke Shop promised laughter and mischief.

We finally settled at the warmth of The Three Broomsticks, each of us with a mug of steaming butterbeer in hand. Around us, the chatter of fellow Hogwarts students filled the air, and the low hum of magical conversations created a comforting atmosphere.

Pansy elegantly raised her butterbeer, her perfectly manicured nails sparkling in the dim light, and began, "You won't believe the latest drama in the Ministry, girls."

Luna Lovegood, our resident dreamer and enthusiast for all things strange and wonderful, sat across from Pansy, her long, wavy hair a shade of silvery blonde that seemed to shimmer like moonlight. She gazed at Pansy with those dreamy, far-off eyes and said, "Drama is fascinating, Pansy. Tell us more." We laughed and had sips of our drinks for some time, enjoying being outside of the castle grounds.

The pub grew noticeably quieter as Matheo made his way to the bar, his piercing gray eyes scanning the room. There was an air of tension as if everyone could sense the foreboding aura that seemed to follow him like a shadow. Even Pansy, who rarely seemed fazed by anything, looked wary.

Luna, always the one to see the beauty and potential in everyone, nudged me gently. "Maybe he's not as dark as they say," she whispered, her eyes never leaving Matheo.

Pansy raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical, but willing to entertain Luna's optimism. "Who knows, Luna? Maybe there's more to him than meets the eye."

I turn to look at Pansy skeptical, "Weren't you saying the other day that he was such a pleasurable sight?" I say with an ironic tone in my voice. Pansy huffs and turns her eyes.

As Matheo sat alone at the bar, nursing his drink, our conversation resumed, but an unspoken tension lingered in the air. Three friends, drawn together by the magic of Hogwarts, found themselves on the periphery of a mystery that walked through the door of the Three Broomsticks that evening.

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