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As I leisurely strolled down the winding path leading to the tranquil lake nestled within the sprawling grounds of Hogwarts Castle, my mind buzzed with contemplations on the peculiarities of male bravado

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As I leisurely strolled down the winding path leading to the tranquil lake nestled within the sprawling grounds of Hogwarts Castle, my mind buzzed with contemplations on the peculiarities of male bravado. "Why is it," I mused aloud, "that boys always feel the need to parade their bravery, only to end up battered and bruised?"

Walking a few paces behind me, Cedric was amused at my blabber and couldn't help but chuckle at my observation. "Ah, but my dear ," he quipped, his tone laced with playful jest, "what's life without a bit of daring? After all, it's the thrill of the risk that sets the heart racing."

I shot him a sidelong glance, a hint of incredulity in my expression. "I'll take a quiet stroll by the lake over a tumultuous brawl any day, and see some randsom people fist fighting, why not that?" I countered, my voice tinged with amusement. "There's something to be said for serenity amidst the chaos, as well as, you do not need to outshine yourself. You're the golden boy already, aren't you?"

Cedric's laughter danced on the gentle breeze as he quickened his pace to catch up with me, his hand extending to brush against mine. "Ah, but my Athena," he began, his eyes alight with mischief, "imagine the adoration I'd inspire as the brave knight able to defeat everyone?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his theatrics, though a fond smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "Oh, spare me the melodrama," I teased, my tone affectionate despite my jesting. "You'd be far better off steering clear of trouble."

"Good gracious, Cedric, you're being positively absurd," I exclaimed, picking up my pace and shaking my head in amusement. "You're positively delusional," I teased, unable to hide my affection for his endearing antics.

"Only for you, my dear," he declared, his smile melting away any semblance of resistance I might have had. Undeterred by my playful rebuke, Cedric matched my steps with ease, his gaze unwavering as he fixed it upon me. "Besides, where's the fun in that?" he countered, his smile warm and genuine. "With you by my side, I fear no danger."

As we reached the comforting embrace of a majestic oak tree, I couldn't help but lean against its sturdy trunk, relishing the tranquility of our surroundings. Cedric, ever the charmer, leaned in close, his presence a reassuring anchor amidst the tumult of the world beyond Hogwarts' protective walls. And in that fleeting moment, as the sunlight filtered through the branches and leafs above.

With a soft chuckle, I leaned against the sturdy trunk of a nearby tree, feeling its rough bark against my back. "I must admit, Cedric, I can't say I'm entirely thrilled at the thought of you throwing yourself into danger," I confessed, turning to meet his gaze.

"But if winning the Triwizard Tournament is truly your heart's desire, then who am I to stand in your way?" I continued, my voice softening with genuine concern.

Cedric's smile softened as he looked down at me, his hand reaching up to tuck a loose strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Your concern warms my heart, my dear Athena," he said tenderly, his gaze filled with unwavering determination.

"Your dear?" I say teasing and throwing a smirk at him. "Have I already trapped you with my enchantments?" I say refering to the rumors running around the castle which said how could the schools sweetheart could be after a girl like me.

"I do not see why you are so judged. I see you and i just see someone who is misunderstood but at the same time does not care about what they are saying." Cedric's laughter bubbled forth, a melodious sound that echoed through the serene surroundings of the lake grounds. "And me? Trapped? Athena, I assure you, I'm quite willing to walk willingly into the enchantments you cast," he replied with a playful twinkle in his eye. "As for the rumors, they're nothing but idle gossip. I see you for who you truly are—an individual of depth and complexity, unafraid to defy convention."

His words washed over me like a wave of reassurance, and for the first time in a long while, I felt myself truly relax. Here, in this moment, there was no judgment, no expectations—just two souls connecting amidst the tranquil beauty of nature.

As Cedric's gaze lingered on mine, a quiet understanding passed between us. His hands found their way to my waist, drawing me closer to him with a gentle tug. Despite my stature, I felt small in his embrace.

His head dipped lower, and before I could fully comprehend what was happening, his lips met mine in a tender kiss. It was sweet and unhurried, a silent affirmation of the bond that had begun to form between us.

My heart danced with joy within my chest as our kiss deepened, the soft caress of his lips igniting a fire within me. I found myself losing all sense of time as we stood there, lost in the warmth of each other's embrace. My fingers instinctively tangled in his hair, eliciting a soft sigh of contentment from both of us.

Suddenly, the tranquil moment was shattered by the sound of a rock hitting the side of the tree. We both turned to investigate, but there was no one in sight, only the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

I felt a surge of irritation rising within me, ready to unleash my fury on whoever had dared to interrupt our stolen moment. But before I could utter a word, Cedric silenced me with a small, reassuring kiss.

"It's alright," he reassured me, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "I should be heading off to practice anyway. We can pick up where we left off later." he reaches for something on the ground and hands it to me. A daisy flower.

With a playful wink, Cedric pressed a quick kiss to my cheek before darting off, leaving me standing beneath the tree, still tingling with the remnants of our shared intimacy. As I watched him disappear into the distance, a flurry of conflicting emotions raced through my mind, leaving me unsure of what lay ahead.

Lost in my thoughts, I sought refuge in the branches of the tree, seeking solace and solitude amidst the rustling leaves. However, my tranquility was short-lived, for soon enough, the familiar voice of Draco Malfoy echoed through the air, his urgent summons piercing the quietude of my sanctuary.

"Athena, come out from wherever you're hiding!" Draco's voice rang out, his tone a curious mix of annoyance and concern, as if torn between annoyance at my disappearance and genuine worry for my well-being. With a resigned sigh, I prepared to descend from my leafy perch and face whatever awaited me beyond the sheltering embrace of the tree.

"You sound positively deranged, Draco," I retorted, crossing my arms in exasperation as I descended from the tree, catching Draco off guard with my sudden appearance. His expression shifted from surprise to relief, a flicker of concern still lingering in his steely gaze as he regarded me with newfound apprehension.

"Well, if you had bothered to join us for lunch, I wouldn't have to resort to such drastic measures," Draco shot back, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. I shrugged nonchalantly, unperturbed by his reproach. "Let's go. We start class in just a few minutes." he walks back up the path. "I have an apple for you upstairs. So don't bother saying more."


Guess who decided to show up after so long?

BTW just saying This is NOT a Cedric Diggory fanfic!!!

Guess who threw the rock ;)

What's your opinion on Benjamin wanting to rename Mattheo to Matthew?

And in other things, I feel like Cedric and Athena are kind of like  golden retriever and black cat in some aspects. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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