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I found myself immersed in a curious tome that had captured my attention since that fateful day

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I found myself immersed in a curious tome that had captured my attention since that fateful day. The knowledge it held spoke of matters not commonly found in typical magical literature, delving into realms that skirted the edges of what some might term as "black magic." Yet, my pursuit wasn't rooted in malevolence; rather, it was a quest for understanding, an exploration of the intricacies of magic that I felt compelled to unravel.

 "Don't play with it!" The History of magic always gave a warning about playing with magic. And I'mnot. I'm simply learning more about it since my power seems to be fine and not getting out of control anymore, a little risk has to be made. Yet, I'm not really making an attempt to harm anyone. 

The risks were calculated, the boundaries carefully pushed, and all in the pursuit of knowledge. After all, what was the point of magic if not to comprehend its mysteries, mistakes and harness  for its potential?

A few days have gone by and I've made a few here and there with people in the school, not only Slytherin. Pansy joined Luna and me in our discussions, transforming from an observer to an active participant. It was an unexpected turn, but one that hinted at the nuanced dynamics within Hogwarts.

The unmistakable sound of a sob resonated, signaling someone's distress. While my inclination was to remain indifferent, Luna, ever the empathetic soul, insisted on investigating.

"Someone's crying," Luna observed in her gentle voice, a voice that seemed to dance delicately with the echoes in the bathroom, creating an ethereal melody.

"Shhh, Luna, just go do your stuff," I urged her with a sense of urgency, attempting to divert her attention and avoid any unnecessary entanglements.

"But she's sad; we should help her," Luna insisted, her compassionate nature shining through. To Luna, the world was a place of interconnected emotions, and she rarely perceived hostility as anything more than a call for understanding.

"What do you want?" she snapped, her tone brimming with rudeness. Luna, however, seemed unfazed by the hostility.

"Don't be rude; she's just checking on your poor soul," I retorted, disapproving of the girl's discourteous manner. Luna, with her serene gaze fixed on the closed door, remained undeterred, her determination to offer kindness unwavering.

"Well, I don't need your pity. Go away," the girl responded, her words sharp and defensive.

I glanced back at Luna to gauge her response. To my surprise, she remained poised and unyielding, a silent indication that her compassionate mission was far from complete. I huffed in mild exasperation, taking a step back to observe Luna's approach.

"We just wanted to check if you were okay." Luna says slightly confused. The door slowly opens making a screeching noise and revealing a red puffy-eyed Pansy Parkinson. Luna kept her company and I, with no option left stayed to make sure Luna's head wasn't gonna be ripped off.

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