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I barely slept because of the little drama show, I stayed in bed like half an hour since Alphard left, and then I started wandering around the house. It was like those alone times to overthink everything you've done. There are too many things I could've avoided if I didn't go to France those years back... but there is a lot of things I could've missed from there. I learned stuff and met different people an experience that probably couldn't have happened here.


I was in the common room sitting on the couch some doing assignments others talking and reading to not die of boredom. "You know pass that muggle thing, how does it even work?"

"I don't know dude, who's even the owner?"

"It has a weird button!!"

"It's a switch dumbass!"

"Was this the thing that uhm what was the name Cleo? Claudia?" He stayed thinking for a minute, "Cora?", the other boy interrupted, "Yeah that girl! I think she dropped it and fell down the stairs with herself rolling down too." The two of them laughed.

"Poor girl she is really so clumsy sometimes she can't even see with the big ass glasses she has." I chuckled and closed the book. "I mean it's not like someone can't fall from the stairs once in a while but she does it like every single day." I said and they nod in agreement .

"That's true, she even falls on the floor and there is nothing around it's not just the stairs. So new girl Je suis Pierre" the brunette said.

"Enchante Je suis Athena." I said back.

"Vouz parle francais?" A blonde guy asked looking at me.

"Une petit peu soulement" I answered back with a sly smile.

"Interesant..." He smirked

"Stop scaring her Jean." Pierre said and brought the attention back to me, "From what I've heard you're English vrai?", he asked and something shined on his baby blue eyes that made me interested.

"Oui tres bien! I see the rumors are not going that bad for now." I said sarcastically.

"Oh non non there's way too many!" Jean said.

"Oh then s'il vous plait! Tell me everything I'm bored and there is nothing better to do than this."

They were the first friends I made on my own besides the girls and it felt really nice to not have a Rosier to walk up to someone and explain a version of the friendship situation. We ended up talking for a lot of hours about every single rumor Beauxbatons had been spreading about me some saying I was in Azkaban since I was way younger others saying muggle world banned me and crazy stuff like that.

They said they weren't fans of playing quidditch but they would make my fan team in every game and I laughed at their stupid ideas and comments about clothes with my name and like that all my day went by.

The door of the common room was heard and some stupid ass noises were too.

"Lorenzo shut your dumbass up you're getting annoying with that sound."

"Marcus stop being so boring it's sick as hell it's like you canning with it, look!" And he started blowing that annoying whistle hanging on his collar with such happiness. And I would adore cracking that thing with such happiness too.

"Hey look who's here!" Corey came running up and stopped. "Oh, Salut!" He said to the two boys who just nodded.

"You had to run like a crackhead" Louis sarcastically said shaking his head. "Hi, Malfoy and you two." He said realizing I had company.

"The hell are you talking to stupida-" Lorenzo's screaming came next and stayed there awkwardly.

"Cat got your tongue?" Marcus said laughing hysterically as I chuckled to everyone's entrance of the day or well night now.

"Hello, noisy boys these are Pierre and Jean guys from my class. Pierre Jean these bunch of boys are my weird friends." I said introducing them meanwhile every boy of the bunch started saying their names one by one.

"Really cliche, to be honest, a girl in between the boys seems like a good new story to me don't you think Pierre?" While they nod in agreement and the others stare looking dumbfounded.

"These two like writing stories from different genres," I said shrugging.

"And we are about to make a masterpiece! Adieu!" And with that thing one and thing two are already rushing to their dormitory.

"Such nice people but we're better," Lo said crossing his arms and puffing.

"I mean now I have new friends, it's a good thing because everyone says I'm a bitch." They laugh at my comments and some shake their head in response.

"Just when you don't share cookies, now that's when you are-" I glare at Corey's response and throw him a book that Lou had in hand.

"Hey!" They said in unison then the response, "That hurt!", "My poor book!"

I stood up straightening my uniform and stretching my arms, "You deserved it for calling me that, and sorry Lou." And with that last words, I was out of the room.

End flashback

To be honest, I do miss those two that wasn't the only time we hung out, we used to pair up in class and went for some sweets regularly, also they went to the quidditch games too as they promised. It became our thing and so on I made my best friends in France apart from Rosier's. I missed those mischievous boys they were known around but not really the popular ones. Still, it didn't bother me anyways, making professors mad was my go-to kind of fun. I should send some letters to keep up with their friendship and just to have some information about what's happening. Who doesn't love some messy little gossip? Besides I'd like to keep up their friendship it's valuable to me.

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