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Draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man
You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them
Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie
They say looks can kill and I might try...

Vigilante shit- Taylor Swift.

"Come along, my dear children!" My mother hurried us out of our quaint home, her excitement and eagerness palpable in the air

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"Come along, my dear children!" My mother hurried us out of our quaint home, her excitement and eagerness palpable in the air. The long-awaited day of returning to Hogwarts had finally arrived, casting its enchanting spell over our household.

I adjusted the strap of my worn but cherished Hogwarts trunk, the anticipation of another year at the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry coursing through my veins. "Honestly, Mum, I can't believe it's already time to head back."

Beside me, Draco grinned mischievously, mischief dancing in his gray eyes. "Oh, but Athena, don't you relish the adventure that each new term brings?"

A playful glint in my eye, I retorted, "Draco, you're right. I just hope this year's adventures don't involve any more run-ins with those three. I don't enjoy people getting bothered by returning the same snarky comments."

Draco chuckled heartily, recalling our escapades from the previous school year. "Well, one can never predict what might happen at Hogwarts. And less if bloody Potter is in it."

As we made our way to the bustling train station, the platform teeming with students and families, the familiar sights and sounds of the wizarding world washed over us, filling our hearts with a sense of belonging. Hogwarts awaited, promising new lessons, magical adventures, and enduring friendships, and we couldn't wait to step aboard the Hogwarts Express and embark on another unforgettable journey.

Evan had confided in us that his parents had relocated to Winchester, necessitating his move from our cherished Manor to his own family residence. The news had left a sense of melancholy hanging in the air, for Evan was not just a close friend, but practically a brother. We shared countless memories within the grandeur of our Manor's walls. However, there was a deeper understanding that family bonds held an irreplaceable significance.

"Darlings, I implore you to have the utmost caution and stay close to one another," Mother said, her tone carrying a weight of concern that mirrored the somber atmosphere that had descended upon the Quidditch World Cup. "This year may not be as splendid as we had hoped, given the disconcerting news of the followers of the Dark Lord making their presence felt here."

We nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. The looming threat of the Dark Lord and his followers had cast a shadow over the usually joyous event, a stark reminder that the wizarding world was not immune to the forces of darkness.

Draco, always the stalwart one, stepped forward. "Indeed, Mother. We shall be vigilant and look out for each other," he assured her, his voice laced with determination. "Rest assured, we'll send you letters to keep you updated on our whereabouts and well-being."

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