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"Hurts but I know how to hide it,
Kinda like it"
-Billie Eilish

As the Christmas season came through the overstuffed halls of Beauxbatons Castle, the air was tinged with an air of sophistication, marked by the enchanting decorations and the promise of festive celebrations. Yet, for me, the joy of the season was dampened by the inability to return home and the absence of familiar faces I wished were here, particularly Draco's.

The haunting nightmares, which had taken residence in most of my nights, continued to torment my thoughts. There were vivid scenes of a strange gathering, with groups of several wizards clad in dark attires, standing before an enigmatic structure engulfed in flames. The whispers and the array of faces, including some of the wizards I had just met. The guy with brown curly hair, another one with black hair and light blue eyes, and a brown-skinned individual, and a little further away were the pair of Rosier brothers. It had left me perplexed.

I rose from my uneasy slumber, feeling the lingering chill of the nightmare clinging to my skin. A cold shower offered calmness, washing away the uneasiness that had accumulated during the night of restless dreams. Dressed in an elegant blue ensemble, I took a moment to compose myself and applied a touch of light makeup.I walked out of my room to the great hall to grab something quick to snack on but I was stopped by some girl in the way.

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed in a shrill tone, her voice echoing through the hall. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips, it seemed that fate had conspired to once again place me in the crosshairs of Colette's antics.

"It's not my fault you've bumped into me. Now, please, do get out of my way," I retorted with an annoyed tone, my patience already wearing thin. "I'm in no mood to deal with you."

"As if I'd want to bump into your horrendous face," she quipped, prompting laughter from her cohorts. Unfazed, I pressed on, determined to navigate this encounter with as much grace as possible, given the circumstances. "No wonder why you just cling into Rosier and HIS friends. You're such a bizzarre thing."

Unable to contain my comments, I turned to face her. "Excuse me, can you say it a little louder? Or you won't dare to?" I questioned, my tone edged with restrained anger. "I'm sorry that you haven't experienced the feeling of being new and someone actually be interested on you. You're just not intriguing."

"No wonder your family sent you off." My blood was pumping  and I felt as if I could blow her head off. 

Unable to restrain my anger, I walked closer to her. "Excuse me, did you just say?"

"What you heard, you attention-seeking kid," she retorted with a dismissive laugh, further fueling the amusement of those around us. I tried to calm my need to hurt and smiled while I turned around ignoring her and walking into one of the lavatories near  but in an unexpected turn, a punch from Colette landed squarely on my cheek. My body hitting the door and opening it. The sensation of ticklish warmth spread as blood trickled from my mouth. Unknown to her, the accessories she wielded had caused the injury. As I locked eyes with her, an unexpected sense of satisfaction surged within me.

However, beneath the veneer of composure, a steely determination emerged. I retaliated with a swift punch to her nose and stomach, eliciting a cry of pain. A smirk played upon my lips.

"You see, Colette, you might think I'm just a simple rich girl. But when you explore the other facets of my character, rest assured, no mercy will be shown," I declared with a devilish smirk, relishing the shift in her expression. She stood back up and threw a kind of jix on me. I retorted a bit in pain but not to the point where I could't bear it.

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