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Headmaster Dumbledore, with all of his wisdom and serenity, took the stage

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Headmaster Dumbledore, with all of his wisdom and serenity, took the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying through the hall like a strong incantation, everyone settled down. "I present to you Mr. Barty Crouch, who will dictate the rules and intricacies of this esteemed tournament."

As Mr. Crouch prepared to speak, a sudden disturbance erupted above, disrupting the previously clear starry night. Dark clouds gathered, obscuring the celestial beauty that had graced the evening.

"Alastor Moody!" someone from our table exclaimed, recognizing the looming figure in the dark. A hush fell over the hall as all eyes turned towards Moody. He points his wand up to the chaos and calms the weather. Dumbledore walks up to him and gives him a short embrace. Alastor was famous for taking a lot of death eaters into jail. Fearable Auror or as much wizards like to call him, Mad eye moody. Called that because of his characteristic crazy eye parching the big scar he has.

From the pockets within his cloak, Moody retrieved a flask, its contents far from resembling the typical fare of a schoolchild's juice. With a determined air, he took a hearty gulp, leaving those in the vicinity to speculate about the contents of his flask. The murmurs and whispers spread through the Great Hall like wildfire, and students exchanged hushed speculations about what Moody's actions might signify.

Draco leaned in and muttered, "Moody's always been a strange one, hasn't he? I wonder what's always got him so worked up."

Mr. Barty Crouch stepped up and looked around the crowds of students and with his voice carrying the weight of authority said, "After due considerations, The Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name on the Triwizard tournament. This decision is that." after that Crouch couldn't even be heard.

The announcement sent a wave of murmurs filled with surprise and disappointment through the crowd. Many had been eagerly anticipating the chance to prove their mettle in the tournament, and this declaration dashed their hopes.

The Weasley twins, quick to voice their opinions, were not ones to stay silent. They raised their voices in unison, their fiery red hair gleaming like beacons of rebellion. "That's  rubbish!" Fred proclaimed, while George chimed in with equal fervor, "That's rubbish!" they both chanted now.

Draco, on the other hand, leaned in and whispered to me, "This is going to cause quite a mess, isn't it?"

I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the stage where Mr. Crouch stood, stoic in the face of the uproar. "It certainly seems that way, Draco. The Triwizard Tournament has always been a point of great pride and competition in the past." I shake my head at a slight pain i was getting. "I've read only so much about this event. It's extremely dangerous and there is no mercy."

As we exchanged these thoughts, the headmaster rose to his full height and raised his voice, commanding the attention of the Hall. "Silence!" he declared, his authoritative tone effectively silencing all the clamor. The hall quickly fell into hushed anticipation, a testament to the profound respect held to him.

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