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Call me when you want
call me when you need
Call me in the morning
and I'll be on my way
-Lil Nas

Evan felt sorry and I mean, I get it he didn't want to hurt me but he should have said something but I guess at what he said it made sense. I wasn't in a great mood after all that happened that day but today I had a free day and tomorrow I started lessons with my mother. I hope she doesn't go hard on us. She said that she knows someone that could help her to learn stuff like in school so we don't stay behind in anything.

I took a bath to relieve some stress to start the day, did my normal routine and used some oils to clean myself and I also went out to the garden. I was admiring the new decorations mother did at home , basically scanning what I didn't remember seeing before. Mom is a big fan of making everything look fancier so we could see some fountains and roses in some parts. I sat down in the grass and started playing with my powers. I created some wind and started moving leaves around. I saw a shadow come into my view and I threw the wind to it.

"Ouch!" He shouted. Evan of course.

"Sorry I guess I didn't hear you sneaking and thought it was a different person." I said and chuckled.

"How do you do that?" He stood up and sat in the grass beside me.

"Well, remember when Colette got hurt really badly?" He nodded in response, "Well I did that and the others too. I don't get how the only one that knows is your brother and well now you. He found out because I was testing someone else and well yeah." I scratched my neck.

"What else can you do with them?" He said curiously.

"Uh well I know I can manipulate wind now and telekinesis too..." I said.

"Okay so let's try fire." I looked at him with an 'are you sure about that' face then he said, "Yeah water first." He said excitedly.

We started entertaining ourselves with it. We went to one of the fountains and started to try it but I only started to grow tired. "What if we take a break? I'm tired!" I frustratedly sighed.

"Fine, let's try tomorrow. Let's go inside, I'm hungry!" He took my hand and pulled me inside. "Hello dears, good morning." Mom said in a calm voice looking through the window.

"Morning mother, is there anything for breakfast?" I asked.

"Uh, I suppose Polly made something sit down at the table. I will make sure to tell her to bring something." With that said she was out and we sat down.

We discussed the best quidditch players and positions because I mean Holy Harpies all the way. Dad used to send us to watch them when Draco and I were younger. I made them buy me the shirt. I still have it but it doesn't fit anymore obviously. Evan said he prefers the Bally Castles. This guy has no taste but well. We decided that we will have a little quidditch game later so we went to change to more comfy clothes. Mom also said there were people coming over but I didn't care.

We started grabbing the equipment and brooms from the closet and ran outside.

"Whoever throws the quaffle furthest throws first if they don't they're the keeper, okay?" I nodded. Does this guy think he is gonna win my position? He threw the quaffle with strength and it ended up in almost the other rings from the opposite side. We marked the spot with a rock and picked the quaffle up again

"Okay my turn." I threw the quaffle near his mark but it landed a few centimeters farther. I laughed in his face and he made an annoyed one.

"Ready to lose Evan?" Basically the way we were going to play was who scores the most points but half the field and there's just keeper and 'chaser' that obviously I will only throw.

"If I win more points what do I get?" I asked. "I will buy you 10 chocolate frogs. Deal?" He said.

"Deal! And if you win I will buy you some ice cream," we stretched hands to sign our pact. Damn 10 chocolate frogs I want.

We started slow but he was basically blocking some of my shots. I need to make distractions so he doesn't expect the next move I will make so I started faking to shoot the right one and went for the left and so on, I also did tricks so he moved more too. I ended up scoring 150 points. Suck it up Rosier. He scored 140 points in the final so I taunted him that he lost. He made quite good shots but not good enough obviously.

We heard someone clapping down in the garden and I saw a brown eyed, dark skinned boy coming into my view, my dear old friend.

"Zabini?!" I ran to hug him but he tried to stop me with his hand to push me off.

"Ew you're all sweaty!" I laughed at his reaction but he hugged me back. "I missed you too." I smiled at him.

Miss Zabini and my parents are great friends. I met Blaise when I was younger in one if our parties, he used to help me escape all the questions from the women that were in the room and gave me chocolate too for comfort so I was bought for that.

"You've been practicing more? How do you not grow tired of that little one" He asked me, chuckling.

"Because you know I love it and I played in the Beauxbatons team. I wasn't supposed to be playing because they don't accept girls normally but oh well I was made for breaking rules not following them." I commented.

"Mmm, that is quite the fact considering I've lived with her for some years. I'm Evan Rosier and you are?" Evan asked Blaise and stretched his hand.

"I'm Zabini, Blaise Zabini." They shook hands like 'civilized people'.

"Hey! Don't copy my sentences. I always use that one for presenting myself." He only laughed and ruffled my hair. "I didn't think you would visit,'' Mom said. "This is great. I need to tell you quite a lot." I know how Blaise is, he is quite into all the drama and always carries something he has heard of someone else.

The three of us went up to my room and we talked about France and the Draco stuff, he said that he hasn't talked to him either but he would knock some sense into his head. He got quite mad about what happened to me and I mean I get it, Draco and I lost communication, then drama about some stupid thing is kind of hard but hey at least I don't have to support annoying people anymore. We started playing pillow fight because I 'accidentally' moved the pillow.

Later on Missus Zabini came to say hi to me and tell me how much I've grown up. She was a nice lady and she had great fashion sense. She had a lot of boutiques around and it made her quite the money. I used to say I would model for her when I grew up and I mean who wouldn't like it. It's like a little girl's fantasy sometimes. They had to go back home but she promised to take us out for an ice cream soon. She also liked Evan's presence and it was quite weird. She didn't like a lot of people but sure what can I say about it.

"I will send you a letter later so we can meet up again. I don't have a lot of work next week so see you darling." And with that the Zabini's were gone and the day too.

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