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"Intriguing, isn't it?" Professor Lupin's voice echoed through the Hogwarts classroom, the ancient stone walls absorbing the mysterious energy that enveloped us. The cabinet in the front of the room trembled violently, a palpable aura of suspense settling over the class. We knew this class wasn't about to unveil cute pets or enchanting creatures.

"Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin probed, his eyes scanning the room for a response.

"It's a boggart," a Gryffindor boy and I spoke simultaneously, our voices blending in the charged silence.

"Very good, Ms. Malfoy and Mr. Thomas. Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

The room fell silent again, a collective uncertainty hanging in the air.

"The boggart has no definite shape. It transforms into your worst nightmare, or rather, what you fear the most, sir," I answered again, breaking the silence with a confident response.

"Very well, Miss Malfoy," Professor Lupin acknowledged with a nod of approval, his wand signaling me to continue.

As the class progressed, Draco interjected with his trademark snarky comments, eliciting both amusement and annoyance from our fellow students. Professor Lupin, undeterred by Draco's antics, continued to impart knowledge about the elusive boggart.

Soon, the time arrived for students to face the boggart one by one. When my turn came, I approached the peculiar cabinet with measured steps, my wand at the ready. Just as my boggart began to reveal itself, I preemptively cast, "Ridikulus!" My darker self transformed into a comical teacher struggling with an owl that seemed intent on rearranging its feathers.

Walking back to my seat, Draco shot me a questioning look, and I responded with a nonchalant shrug.

Harry's encounter with the boggart revealed a Dementor, a shocking revelation that left the class in suspense. Professor Lupin intervened, transforming the creature into a harmless moon, prompting puzzled expressions from some students.

"The moon?" Pansy voiced her confusion.

"Pathetic," Draco whispered, earning an amused glance from me.

"Maybe he's scared of the dark?" Evan suggested obliviously, sparking laughter from those around us.

"Sure, the dark... Spooky, the Care of Magical Creatures will come from under your bed and eat your hand," I remarked with a playful smile, earning a chuckle from my friends.

Leaving the class, we strolled through the corridors, exchanging thoughts on Potter's apparent fear of the Dementor. "His face was all pale, frozen as if he'd seen a ghost," Evan mused.

"I mean, it does kind of look like a ghost but creepier, you know? Like the Death," I added, mimicking the creature with dramatic gestures.

Laughter echoed through the stone hallways as we continued our banter, weaving through the magical tapestry of Hogwarts on our way to the next class.

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