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I was sleeping peacefully when someone decided to knock loudly on my door.

"What?!" I covered my head with a pillow.

"Wake up your human alarm aka Evan the coolest person ever, is here and we need to go to study session with Narcissa in half an hour so stand up you sleeping beast. Change and do the other stuff you need to do and take us to the library because I am fully lost here.." He started jumping on my bed so I could move but I decided to just move my leg so he fell down to the ground.

"Oi! That wasn't nice Ms. Malfoy, you have detention!" He started mocking the teachers in Beauxbatons.

I let out a simple laugh and removed the pillow and blanket from me.

"Fine, you woke me up. I will take a quick shower go find me an apple, a red one tho."

He sighed and nodded.

I went to grab some white shirts and a black skirt then headed to the bathroom. I took a cold shower to stay awake. I used to put on music while I did that but I had no time so I skipped that. I put my clothes on and grabbed some heels. Evan came in with some cookies and my apple.

"Okay let's go. Mom probably has the books we need there." I took my apple and gave it a bite. The library had a big section with a lot of books. I don't even know why we have a lot. We just use less than half of them.

"Morning kids." Narcissa said to us.

"Morning, are we doing anything interesting and cool like explosives or riding a hippogriff?" I said sitting on the one person couch but Evan decided to sit on top of me.

I nudged him for him to move but he ended up on the floor with a thud and moved to the other couch near mine quickly.

"I guess not. I will teach you a bit of the ingredients of some potions, how to cut them, tips about some of them, and how to use them." My mother started moving everything around and made us take a lot of notes.

I didn't love potions that much. It's confusing but I guess there is no other option for now. She started to read us the use of it. It was like changing your body to other ones and that you needed a hair of the person to be capable of doing it. Polyjuice potion was the name of it.

She also told us a bit of magical history. My family raised me to be a good pure blood, muggle born weren't terrible but they didn't belong. They're just not ready and muggles shouldn't be able to know about our world too. Pure bloods were higher class. She also told us about Salazar Slytherin, Merlin and someone called Tom Marvolo Riddle or The Dark lord. She said they had a mission to extinguish the mudbloods or something like that and I understood that it would get too many muggles integrated and we didn't need that. She also said that my uncle Rudolph died in one of those missions and that her sister or my aunt Bellatrix was sent to azkaban because of it too. I was interested in it but she said it wasn't safe to talk about it so she said she would talk about it later.

She gave us a break and I stood up and walked through the library in search of any book that told me more about Salazar or any information about it that could help me clear my doubts in my head. Like mudbloods or purebloods.

"What are we searching for?" Evan spoke. "Didn't you get interested in what Narcissa was talking about? I mean I want to know who they were and what happened to them?" I asked him curiously.

"I mean it was kind of interesting but what will you do with the information?"

"I just want to learn more, you know. Just to have an idea." I shrugged him off and kept looking. I found a Salazar Slytherin article in one.

Salazar Slytherin

"We'll teach just those whose ancestry's the purest."

Salazar Slytherin born around 993 A.D. And a parseltongue speaker. He was one of the four founders of Hogwarts along with Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw. He was noted for being ambitious, cunning and determined.

He believed muggle born students shouldn't be allowed and shouldn't be accepted in Hogwarts but when he expressed his opinion no other founder agreed with the proposal.

He left Hogwarts and never returned supposedly and died after creating the chamber of secrets, concealing a basilisk, ready to have the chamber reopened to purge the school of those who, in Slytherins view, were unworthy to study magic and that it would be reopened by its true heir one day.

Salazar Slytherin himself also created his own wand, made of snake wood and its nucleus or core of basilisk fang.

It was amazing how this man became addicted to extinguishing the muggle born people. It was kind of admirable he gave his all to get a really scary mission. It also said that Merlin tried to follow his steps but he stopped it. His wand was like mine...

"Earth to Athena hello? I've been calling you for five minutes and you are still reading that thing. We have to go eat something. I'm really really hungry! No actually, I'm starving!" He kept on with it and I grabbed the book and took it with me. I wanted to learn more so why not? It won't hurt anybody will it?

"Fine but really you're always hungry." He ignored it though and kept skipping like a little kid with a toy. He basically pushed me to the kitchen because he wanted some food and he watched as the elf prepared everything.

I kept on reading parts about Salazar but the question is who was Tom why I can't seem to find anything about him in any page? Was it that dangerous or what? I have a lot of things to find out about these people trying to complete that.

"Do y'all basically use spells for everything or what?" Evan was questioning the poor elf but well let's leave the curious monkey in search of food.

The day went by quickly, mom just taught us more spells for DADA so we could defend ourselves better and not only know the lighter ones like expelliarmus and protego, even though they worked really good we need stronger ones like bombarda and so on in case of something.

How are there spells for anything really? I mean they just gave it a random kind of Latin word and made a movement and voila?

Oh Evan also almost got on fire because I threw an incendio to him and obviously mom made us stop the fun I was having not because of harming each other though it was because of her decoration and stuff. Wow love you too mom.

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