▪︎Guessing Games▪︎

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With everyone sitting on the ground in a circle. I was watching them from the sofa because it seems like they want to put a show for me. Akiko has already picked the game for the baby shower and it's none other than 'Guess What I Am'. I assume the name itself explains what the game is about, if it doesn't then I'll tell you. So basically one person out of everyone will have to stand up and do what is written on the card. The person who guesses it will get points, the person with the most points win. What I'm looking forward to is the gift, I wonder what's the winning prize.

"Okay Lucas. What is it?" Harper ask while Lucas was staring at the card with a 'I'm so done with this' look. So...what is it?

"Caw caw" Lucas said in an emotionless tone as he had a chicken like posture. Huh? Do chickens make noises like that?

"An eagle?" Peter guessed but Lucas didn't respond. Must be a wrong answer.

"Caw caw. I'm an annoying bastard. Caw caw" He said, yet again in an emotionless tone. Akiko snapped her fingers when she got it.

"A crow!" Akiko smiled when Lucas nodded. Everyone including me was honestly surprised to see him form a tiny smile just by seeing Akiko being happy that she got 5 points.

"Okay my turn!" Akiko went to the center while Lucas sat back down on his spot

"Okay okay" She said to herself after seeing what was on the card she picked.

"I follow you all the time and copy your every move, buuuuuut you can’t touch me or catch me" Akiko looked around excitedly, waiting for someone to guess. However, everyone was clueless.

"Debt?" Jacob guessed but Akiko shaked her head. Nice guess?

"A ghost?" Peter was nervous to see if he got it right. Too bad he didn't when he saw Akiko making a cross mark with her fingers.

"Hm...is it a shadow?" Selena guessed and Akiko quickly nodded. Selena jumped to her feet so she could celebrate, Jacob chuckles.

"Let's see..." Selena grabbed a card right after Akiko went to sit back down.

"People make me, save me, change me, raise me. And I'm an important thing that is apart of their lives" Selena looked at each one of them and surprisingly Peter was the only one who raised their hand.

"Its money!" Peter was lucky enough to get it right on the first try.

"Good luck pretty boy" Selena gave Peter's ass a gentle slap before sitting back down. Peter blushes as he grab a card.

"I'm...really tall but I'm short when used" Peter looked away shyly when he notice everyone batting their eyelashes at him. What? I'm tall but short when used?

"Is it a boner?" Jacob guessed and Selena gave him a playful shove. I laugh along with the othere. It kinda makes sense if you think about it.

"No? Man, I was sure that was the answer" Jacob rubs his neck awkwardly.

"I uh I also melt" Peter gave another hint but nobody knew what it was.

"Its a candle, isn't it?" Harper guessed and Peter nod in response. How come I never thought of that? Well I'm not playing...but still...

"Hey Oikawa. How come you've never tried to guess?" I asked Oikawa who seems pretty sleepy. He looks over his shoulder to make eye contact with me.

"Don't speak to me like that. You make me feel like a kindergartener" Oikawa complained.

"You guys ready?" Harper ask and everyone nod their heads. He looks down at the card he picked.

"This is easy. When you look at Oikawa. What's the first word that comes to mind?" Harper asked.

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