She's...interesting... Revenant x Lifeline

975 9 27

Requested by Aweryonze

Plot: Pathfinder wants his simulacrum friend to make a bond with someone new, and Revenant learns that Ajay isn't such an average skinsuit after all...

(A/N): Before I continue, I just want to mention that I am okay with writing ships that I don't actually like! Most of them are okay to request! I personally don't ship this, but it's valid! But look at the request page to see what I am NOT okay with writing. And in this chapter, there is platonic Revfinder!

Narrator POV

The murderous simulacrum remained silent as he listened to Pathfinder. The MRVN was talking about all of his friends. They were both sitting in the living room, on a blood-stained couch, one that was previously all black.

"And my first friend in the games was Elliott! He was very nice, and recommended that I join the games to find my creator!" The blue robot exclaimed.

"Maybe he isn't such an idiot. You're probably the only legend here that I don't hate..." The synthetic nightmare replied.

Pathfinder tilted his head, asking, "But shouldn't you try to get some more friends? You may find someone you like!"

Revenant scoffed, "Oh please, you alone are a handful."

"But I don't want to be your only friend!" The MRVN piped up. "I love our friendship, but what if I am not around, Revenant? You should get another friend as well!"

"Who would want to be my friend?" Kaleb questioned his shorter friend. "If you have not noticed, I'm a walking nightmare. A murderer. Not exactly a good person..."

"Well, you're also very serious, and I know someone else who is serious! Lifeline! You should go and talk to her!" He suggested.

If Revenant had eyes, or a face for that matter, he'd roll his eyes. "Fine. I'll talk to the damn skinsuit. Not like she's any different..."

The former human stood up from the couch, and ventured to find the medic.

It didn't rake long for Revenant to detect Ajay, as she was lecturing Octane.

"Silva, ya can't go throwin' grenades in Elliott's room!" She complained.

"Aw, why so boring, chica? You should find another stick in the mud to talk with~" The speed demon teased.

Octavio then noticed Revenant behind Lifeline. "Hey, maybe Señor Loincloth could be your new buddy!"

The simulacrum wasted no time in grabbing Octane by his shirt, and throwing him against the wall.

Ajay would have normally freaked out, but she didn't fear Revenant.

He looked at her. "Aw, what's the matter, skinsuit? Too afraid to help him?"

Lifeline smacked the robot. "I ain't afraid of you, ya hear me?"

He growled, but deeply admired her sassy attitude, and her direct actions.

"Heh, you sure aren't like most skinsuits." Revenant noted.

Ajay smirked, "Ya ain't scary, boy! No need ta fear ya!"

And that was when Revenant could tell...

He found his new "friend..."

Or maybe more...


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