Chapter 1 Lilly:

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I can't believe it's been 10 years since I seen him I wish I knew how he was doing if he was okay.It makes me so sad to think he might actually hate me never forgive me but who I am kidding I've never reach out to him  never knew how to I miss him so much even if it's been 10 years never gets any easier but I'll never seen his face again so I'll never know if he forgives me.
Today the day I move out it's just me and my dad for 10 years my mum left us has never even tried contact us my dad did contact the police for missing person they found her but she don't want us to find she is suppose me mum but I don't know her she left me when I was 11 I was child she left her daughter what mother does that.It's just me and my dad he has my rock I can't understand why we had move but I can't never why I could say bye to my Alex.
"Knock knock" "Lilly are ready your taxi is outside"my dad said
I'm coming just getting the last box
Hey dad I'm going to miss you ,do think I could put it off for another year I said to him
"Listen to me you need go all you ever do is look after me your old man you need to live your own life I'm fine I'm grown adult you need starting focusing on your future"my dad said
"No buts this is your first day at college as rest of your life  I know it's in another state but no matter how far we are I am on other side of phone"
"Okay dad just please phone me if you need me I'll be on me first plane back I said to him
"Now stop worrying get in your taxi get yourself on That plane text me when your arrive I love you my little spud be safe "
I love to dad
As I set off in taxi I feel so worried leaving my dad it always been us I've been taking care of him last 10 years he doesn't want meet anyone all he does is work and provide me with anything I need or want but I'm scared to leave him alone should I be going to college this far away from home.

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