Chapter 11 Lilly

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I rush over to Kat push girl off her Liam grab kat help to stall she so drunk why does something always happen when have a nice time I'm blaming Alex it's just my mother turn up now this girl what's next
Kasey shouts over to Kate
Kasey -Lilly your slag you can't even fight me
Lilly -she not Lilly I am you bitch you don't want start with me
Kasey- your Lilly,you stole my man she shouted!!!!
Lilly-your man laughing he always been my man
Kasey-not when he fucked me last year
With not even another word from Kasey Lilly launches her self gets on top Kasey she pulls her extensions out punches her nose i says stay fuck away from my boyfriend you sket if I see so  Much talk to him I will ruin you ,you don't know me
She takes one last punch bam her nose is broke 
Kasey-fuck you all she say
Lilly shouts -no I'll be fucking my man later thanks babes tho
Alex comes up to grab me from behind telling
Me to relax I'm sorry he says
Lilly-your sorry I must be so drunk as I'm confused I don't eve why your sorry
Alex- I'm sorry for ever sleeping with that girl any other girls
Lilly-al we weren't together don't go there and I'm fine so stop worrying
Put me down I tell him he puts down but holds to my hand so can't go far
Lilly -I'm going check on Kat I say
We walk over to kat she runs over to me nearly falling luckily I catch her she hugs me says are you okay are you hurts
Lilly no I'm fine I'm worried about you
Katie - I'm okay I'll be fine lucky didn't do much she laughes  well she said what good shall we all head out
Alex-all ? He looks at Liam confused
Liam-oh yeah well me and Kate have been seeing each for months
Alex -well you could of said I though both suit you look good together
Lilly -are you turning soapy I say to Alex
Liam-nah bro I didn't say anything I knew you were so in love with Lilly you didn't see her for 10 years i didn't want to upset you
Alex- don't be silly I'm happy for you both
Katie/Lilly-come on let get taxi
Alex-were dropping you off Liam
Katie -we drop you too off first Lilly's is only around corner

We get in taxi Kate turns to me says I'm glad I met you babe we friends for life now you ent getting rid of me she laughs 😂😂
As taxi pull up I'm about grab my purse to pay taxi driver but Alex already has but I say we're hell is my purse
They all laugh at me am missing something I said
Katie-how much have you had to drink
Alex-baby it's around you shoulder
Lilly-oh shit it is well I think my bed is calling
Night all
Alex help me out taxi I can barley walk he lift me up carry me up the stairs I say to Alex the lift is broke to our apartment again.
Alex our apartment he says?
Lilly's well you will spend most nights here you might as well move your stuff in babe
Alex-LILS are you sure we only just got back together
Lilly stfu move in with me I said to him
Alex okay like this side of you so confident but we will speak about tomorrow when your sober
Lilly okay but still be same
Finally we reach top floor and we enter he put me down .

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