27 alex

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I head into Lilly room to tell she can go home.
Lills you can........
Katie whisper shut up she's finally asleep she hasn't stop crying Alex I'm worried about her.
Alex-at least she asleep now doctor said she can go home now I've all her paperwork and her medication here she has come back in week to get her check up.
Katie-good I think she need her own bed but I don't want wake her
She looks so peaceful cuddled up kat she gripping on her so tight I don't think she wants be left alone
I walk over to her grab her she looks up then closer her eyes wraps her arms around me
Alex-I've got you Lills it's just me
Lilly-thank you al I love you
Alex-kat grab her things please and Liam your driving
As I get to the car I put her in back seat and climb next her she has her head on my shoulders katie&liam get in front and drive
Lilly screams Noo get off me don't touch leave alone
Liam-shall I pull over
Alex-no keep driving Now!!!
Alex-Lills wake up wake up
She wake up jumps then realised I'm here kisses me please Alex don't let hurt me she says
Alex-never again baby I promise
Lilly-can I have some radio on music clear my head
Katie-of course
There song just finishing then all sudden the radio man says we have had many views on this songs and it's only been out few hours just wow even main artist has some words to say
Avri-avril here I'm giving out shout out to Lilly Rhys just wow you have so much talent you remind me of a younger version of myself girl good look with music can't wait here more.
Lilly-whattt just happened?
Katie-your gonna so famous girl
Alex-I'm so proud of you baby
Then her song start playing I love hearing her voice she start to sing with it she smiling and laughing god I'm so luck to have this girl as song finishes Katie say
Thank you thank you all for coming to the amazing Lilly Rhys show she says Lilly say oh shut up
Alex-this will be you someone day baby
Liam-I hope I get vip ticket
Lilly-oh shut up guys I never be that famous
Alex-baby some day you will
Lilly-shit Alex did you phone Sarah
Alex of course baby she told me send her love to get better soon all hospital treatment has been paid for by her she said take as much time off as you need
Lilly-but only just start The Job
Alex you need rest baby girl
Lilly-fine only till I feel better
I climb out of car about grab Lilly she snaps at me
Lilly-I can walk myself Alex I'm fucking child
Alex-what did doctor say rest much no walking
Lilly-I don't what doctor said I'm walking myself
I grab her left up like she's bride
Lilly- shouts put me down now she says
Alex-stop kicking me I'm not putting you doing
Lilly-no put me down
Alex-relax stop being stubborn I say
Katie-just relax girl this won't be for long
Lilly-yeah of course not with Alex she says
Katie-okay I get it I'm not getting involved
Liam nights guys he says as walk in 
Lilly-night What time is it
Alex-9 am
Lilly what I've been in hospital all night shit!!!
I shout night to liam&katie
Katie shout Me if you need me for anything
Alex-thanks Kat
I put Lilly down on the bed listing lils I'm being serious
Alex-I thought I lost you wen I had that phone calll from hospital I need to rest I can live without you need todo as your told please I beg
Lilly-I'm sorry don't mean get you worried I just doing things myself
Alex -know you do I love you.

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