Chapter 46 Alex

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6 months later
Lilly is 7 months pregnant now she gotta take easy but she won't listen to anyone she working so hard in her classes and her job.I know she loves to sing but I want her just slow down abit she's going full speed on everything.Jake won't leave her side we have drag him to school and Lacey becomes very protected over her sister and her niece or nephew she so excited to Find out what we having I think we all are.But stubborn Lills don't want to go hospital to find out she's to busy with work and college like I said she stubborn she won't slow down but today she has day off college so I'm going treat her then we going hospital find out gender of our little bean.
Alex-LACE,JAKE get up you have school I shout from kitchen
Jakes-morning where Lilly ?
Alex-she's in bed I'm taking you school today so eat your breakfast and get ready I guess your sister is still in bed
Jake-I don't want you to take me I want my sister
Alex-we been through this you have to go school and I'm taking you lilly need to rest you will see her later
Jake-fine dorky
Alex-eat your breakfast I'm going to get Lacey up
I walk into Lacey room she's spreader across the bed fast sleep
Alex-Lacey get up your be late for school
Lacey-go away I'm sleeping
Alex-cupcake get up now!
She put pillion over her head goes back to sleep
Alex -if you not down stairs 5 mins I'm gonna throw cold water over you
Lacey-you wouldn't dare
Alex-want to bet get up now!
Lacey-Go away I'm sleeping leaving alone Lilly don't make me now go away let me go back sleep.
Alex-fine have it you way
I walk down stairs I get jug of cold water and go into Lacey room throw it over her
Lacey-ARH!!!!! Your dead Alex I mean it
Alex-well your up now get ready for school
AHHHHHHH!!! She screams
Lacey-I'm going tell Lilly you won't get wave with this
Alex-what she going todo you wasn't getting up now get ready I'm not asking you again
Lacey-leave me alone I'm not going school!!!
This is what it's been like last few weeks she used love going school now she hates it and she has attitude to everyone specially to me and her dad  some thing going but all says nothing wrong but I will find out one way
Lacey-GET of my room now I hate you!!
She slams door shut
Alex-Be down in 5 mins I mean it Lace!!!
All sudden she pushes past me go straight to my room Lilly fuck same now I'm in trouble Lilly awake the both going gang up on me
Lilly-lace sweetie what you all wet
Lilly-Alex what did you do to my sister she glares at me
Alex-oh no you don't she wouldn't get up she's going be late for school jake is ready to go
Lacey-I've already told you I am not going to school!!!
Lilly-Alex stop acting like a child go and Lilly go dry ya self up and I'll come speak to you in abit
Lilly-no don't even think about she going through something at school and your not help ping throwing water at her
Alex-I was trying give you break gets the kids up but she refused get out bed I did warn her
Lilly-no Alex leave her alone she having the day off today
Alex-no Lilly's she needs to school and she needs to talk us we can't help if don't tak
Lilly-well she not going talk when act like this
Alex-she going school End of I walk out of the room
Alex-Lacey hurry up other wise I'll you to drag school
Walk downstairs jake sat there ready waiting for us to go
Jake-is she refusing to go again
Alex-yeah as usual jake do you know what happening at school?
Jake-well I only know abit as I'm in different class
She one most popular kids at school everyone wants to be her friend except this jealous girl name page and her boyfriend Noah well both of the having been calling her name I go stop them when I see but lace won't let me she always trying protect me I want protect her I don't know anything else is happening that's all I know she won't talk about it.
Alex-thank you bud I'll sort it don't worry
Lacey-alright I'm ready losers
10 Mins later we arrive at school jake gets out I tell to carry and have nice day out then I lock the doors so lace can't get out
Lacey-I thought I had to go school or can I go back home
Alex-no you going school I just want to talk first
Lacey-well I don't want talk to you
Alex-come on cupcake listen to me we are all worried about you something happening at school I can help please she talk to us
She unlock door and say
Lacey-I don't want talk to anyone now leave me alone runs off
Well they went well for fuck sake I'm going to speak to her teacher when I pick her up so I'll pick her up early
I pop to coffee shop grabs Lills her favourite as I am in dog house this morning

As get home her she's sitting on sofa watching friends I never liked that showed but I love watching it with her I go up her wrap my arms around her place kiss on forehead
Alex-I'm sorry baby please forgive me I gave her flat latte and chocolate cookie
Lilly-maybe I might forgive as you got my favourite she winks at me Alex I know your worried about her we all are but we can't force anything out of her you know this she's strongest and bravest girl we know
Alex-I know baby I'm so worried about her I spoke jake this morning he think might girl name page and her boyfriend Noah who are jealous of her
Lilly-well I see what can do find out what's going on
Ring ring
Lilly-answer my phone I need a wee
Alex-it's the school
School-hello is this miss Rhys
Alex-hello no it's her boyfriend
School-ah mr creed well we was just wondering why Lacey isn't in school
Alex-Whattt!! I dropped her of this morning her and jake where is she I shout
School-oh I'm sorry sir but she's in class
Lilly mouths what going on
School-I will phone you if we hear anything but she's not here 
I put phone down
Lilly-what the matter are kids okay
Alex-no Lacey never show up at school but I dropped her off there
Lilly-where is she she's 10 year old out there alone babe we need find please let's find her
Alex-phone your dad see if she's there I need you stay here just incase she's comes back I'm going to look for her I know where she might be I phone soon as I find her
Lilly-please find her
I leave the house get in my car there only one place I know she likes going when she wants be alone by Katie house there private beach
I drive there which isn't to far as pull up I see kat running up to me
Katie-I've just phoned Lilly Lacey turned up she sitting on rock throwing stone into the water she won't talk to me more Liam something happened to her she looks hurt
Alex-thank you do Me favour phone Lilly tell her I am here with her and be home soon as I can with her
Katie-of course if need anything shout me
I nod I walk over where Lacey is all sudden I feel
So angry not with her she had marks all over her face   Her head is bleeding
Alex-Lacey what fuck happened to you I stay trying be calm.She looks at me then start to cry
Lacey-I'm so sorry this is all my fault you all need move on with life forget about me
Alex -oh cupcake nothing is your fault we here for you we all love you so much we are not better without you apart of us please tell who did this to you.
Lacey-Page and Noah,page has been jealous as I've got lot friends and jealous that I can sing I've been on radio with my sisters.she tell me everyone which I was dead they want me kill myself as the world would be better without me sometimes I have felt like this
Alex-No they just nasty people do not listen to any of them I tell you.but Lacey who did this to you
Lacey-wen I left you I was walking into main gate I see you drive off all sudden I got pull around back page start booting me and Noah punched me then throw at brick off me I feel to floor next thing I notice I was alone my head poring off blood
Alex-come here I'm here we gonna sort this but first let take you Katie&liam sort you head out I'm sure they first aid kit somewhere
Once we sorted Lace we head home Lacey runs to Lilly we tell her everything she fall asleep in Lilly arms Lilly slides out while she sleeps and says
Lilly-thank you for being there I can't believes she being going through this all alone I need stop this now! Will you watch here while I go to school
Alex-baby I'll go school
Lilly-No I need to this ......

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