Chapter 49 lilly

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I am so happy this man right next me loves me so much always has and always will and I can finally see it I believe him but never believe how he could love someone like me.his mine forever and I'm forever his girl.
We are just pulling back at home thank Alex speeding up I am still nibbling at his ear he pulls away gets out car so do I he lifts me up I wrap my whole body around him he locks car he carry's me inside while bobbing his ear and his suck on my neck
Lilly-mm Al I moan he place me in our bathroom side he puts shower on starts kissing me while shower heats up.I push him back jump off the side take my top of then relised I look fat and try cover belly
Alex-mmm no you baby you look sexy
Lilly-no Alex I'm being serious I look fat I can't
Alex-it's called a bump you having my baby your look one sexy mamma
I move my top and he hooks my bra and I bed over slighty rubbing against him I feel his cock go all hard I slide my pants off I turn around his around got his clothes off he pick me up we head in shower.we start kissing roughly but sexy he open his mouth slighty so can enter my tongue I feel so wet he start playing with my boobs with one hand and holds me me up slide his cock in me
Alex-mmm fuckbaby you taste so good
Lilly-ahhh Yes fuck yes ALEX!!! I moan
Alex-come with me baby
We both come together we start get breath back and Alex doesn't put me down instead he put his head on my chest cuddles into me
Alex-let's quickly shower then we can cuddle in bed
Lilly-yea I would love that
After we shower I get changed put fresh pair thongs on and slide Alex black T-shirt on and dry my hair hair lie in bed next al
Alex-Katie just phone kids are all good they having great time they had bbq on the beach and now settle fast asleep
Lilly-shit I'm so sorry for running family night we will do it again in need thank kat for having kids hopefully Lacey will sleep through now I feel guilty
Alex-baby Liam and Katie were going have kids any way tonight we're will do family night another night they have enjoy themselves with kat&liam and my main priority was you I was so scared you left me for good when I could find you
Lilly-aww babe no I would never leave you I just need time on my own but I'm so glad you came found me I need you so much but I didn't relise it i really think it has done us good talking like we did tonight
Alex-it did didn't this is what we going to need to if we don't run and talk it through together
Lilly-always together forever and alway baby!
Alex-forever and always baby girl

We wake up next morning in Alex arms cuddling me and holding hold on to my belly where lil popcorn won't stop moving all get massive kick
Lilly-fuck that hurt
Alex-are you okay felt him move but that was big one
Lilly-I think he changed to head down not long now can't wait for him to be here
Alex-taking about him baby names any ideas
Lilly-I been thinking Logan lockie Leo
Alex-I was thing Logan Lewis Landry
Lilly-I think we found out now Logan something both love but I have request I want it to be Logan Rhys creeds I want Rhys to be the middle name so part of me
Alex-you always be part of him but I love it baby Logan Rhys creeds 💙❤️ perfect
Buz buz buz
Alex what that's buz noise
Lilly- it the security buzzer to let someone trying come in let me see who it is

Security a guard -hello miss Rhys sorry to bother you but Tasha creeds and Sarah vogue are here to see
Lilly-of course let them in
Shut just relised I'm still Alex's top
Lilly Tasha so good see you again sorry I'm not dressed
Tasha-don't be silly you can't eat ever you want
We both laugh
Sarah-hello my rockstar I've got you good news
Tasha-good you mean best news Ever I'm proud of Lilly
Sarah-well you know the starts underneath record company they I want sign you
Lilly-what they want sign me why?
Sarah-why because you are the best this means you are going become full on pop star they wants to record your albums they said you can ethire write lyrics or they get some
Lilly-omg am I dreaming or is this real but I have written quite abit lately so if they like my songs I would like to them
Tasha-of course they will like like look at song sisters you were both amazing
Lilly-thank you much both of you I couldn't of done with out of you
Sarah-we know you are  6 months pregnant so we would need get done soon as so are free today
Lilly-Let's do it ....

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