Chapter 30 LILLy

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2 weeks later
It's being 3 weeks now since Alex phone doctors I missed my last appointment as I had hospital appointment for check which I felt was more important.I keep trying not to to doctors but now I have no choose Alex is coming with me Alex mom left yesterday she need to go back to work his sister school I feel sad have gone but I need me and Alex time.
Alarm alarm
Alex GRrr to early
Lilly -we can go back sleep I say
Alex-no happening we need get up
I give him a kiss start to rub hands over his boxers but moves them and says
Alex-I know hat your trying even know I love it you are going doctors so stop please baby
Lilly fine I'm going get dress I say
1 hour later I'm ready but Alex is still getting ready can't believe his making me do this I go back door slam it's shut grab ones Liam fags light it up to calm my nerves
Alex-shouts shit she's left with out me
Katie-no she's in garden
Alex thank for ....fuck sake Liam he shouts
Liam-what you shouting for
Alex-look outside what is wrong ???
Liam-what Lilly sitting in grass in sun
Alex-what is doing fucking smoking your fags she don't smoke
Liam-shit well I always leave them there you can't blame me
Why do they I can't hear them?? I say
Alex come out says babe what are you doing
Lilly what do you think ? Use your eyes
Alex-come baby you don't smoke
Lilly well I need calm my nerves I was calm but you came out
Alex-I'm sorry baby shall we head off
Lilly if we really have to
Alex pass me the fags Lills
As we leave Alex give Liam the fags put them away asswhole
Katie-Lills good luck everything be okay love you
Lilly-thank you love you too

We sat in dr waiting room is full of children and family's Alex keep starting at me he grabs my hand and squeeze it soft it makes me relax more
I whispers in his here thank you love you
Alex-I love you more he says

Miss Rhys dr will now see you
Lilly- can we go home please I really don't want to this
Alex-no baby we need to this I'm right by your side I'm not leaving you
We walk in dr office with Alex holding my hand we sit down
Dr Alan-hello miss Rhys I'm glad finally see you how are you feeling
Lilly-I'm much better I don't think I need come today tbh
Alex-Lilly come on yes you do
Dr Alan-Lilly this safe place I need to know what happening to help you would rather Alex wait out side
Lilly-No he can't leave me ever
Alex-I'm sorry dr she won't leave my side
Dr Alan -no of course that's fine very understandable
I tell the doctor everything most Alex end up tell him the rest
Dr-well Lilly could please take some bloody for you do some exams on you but I do think pta is what you have which post Truma assault I can give you tablet it will help with nightmares also when was your last period as you iron is very low
Lilly-I don't have periods as I'm on birth control but didn't work when I fell pregnant I didn't realised
Dr-of course thank you I give these tablet for now and nurse will ring you with your result today be safe now
Alex -thank you dr
Lilly-thank you

Alex-thank you for coming baby you were amazing
Lilly-thank you for dragging me it wasn't so bad I'm sorry how snappy I've been 
Alex-shall we have walk on the beach just two of us we haven't done that in while
Lilly- I would love that then I wants some gerkins and strawberry's with ice cream
Alex-wow sweet tooth he laughs
Lilly-don't even usually like them but I want this strange feeling
Alex hemmm baby are you sure your not pregnant
Lilly-no of course I'm not we lost our baby 6 weeks ago so I can't be can I
Alex-baby we have sex a lot I Mean but we do it at least once day
Lilly-I'm deffenley not pregnant okay let's change subject
Alex-so baby how's your song writing going can I hear any
Lilly -I love it it's strange but in a good way and not yet it no ready for anyone yet
Ring ring ring
Lilly-oh god it's the doctors
Alex-answer we need answers Lills
Hello is this miss Rhys
Lilly-yes speaking
Amber-I'm calling from dr Alan office I have your results here well first off your sugar is too low you need eat and drink with surgar in and next congratulations  you are 4 weeks pregnant
Lilly- what I'm what I think I heard you wrong
Amber this why your nightmares are getting worse doctors please take medication he gave you and you need get victims
Lilly-thank you I think
Alex-what they say
I start crying Alex pull me to his chest we stand in middle if beach cuddles him I need him more than ever I'm scared
Lilly-I'm pregnant
Alex-really he had massive grin on his
Lilly-yes I'm scared al
Alex-we in this together baby I love you and love our little beans it's us against world
Lilly-I love you
Alex-I love you more

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