25 Alex

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I'm here say at bar drinking my sorrows away I left her.I had walk on the beach end up see a bar I went had few whiskey then went home wrote her a note went back to bar.I've lost how many drink I had
Random girl-she keep calling you
Random girl-she's on your phone a picture her name keeps flashing
Alex-fuck off leave me I don't want talk to her Which has fuck all todo with you
Many drinks later
Buzz buzz
It's Liam I answer it
Alex-to what hanging bruv I say
He start shouting at me but can really call what's he saying all I think I hear is
Liam-WTF are you doing your hurt her again
Something along them lines I think he say
Alex-you taking her fucking she cheating me skank
Liam no she never to call her where are you I'll pick you up
Alex-fuck you fuck all of you I don't need no body she don't fucking love me she got her perfect lover boy so fuck it fuck it all
I put phone down before saays any more
Next I say to liz I think her name is
Alex Lizzzzzz nexttttt
Liz-don't think you had enough
no fuck it get my own if you don't get me one I say
Liz-okay here
I have another 4 drinks before someone pushes me
Alex-who fuck you touching
Brandon-Alex didn't see you there
(Brandon is alexes classes)
Alex-get fuck away from me before knock you out
Brandon-come on bruv chill I drive you home
Alex-don't fucking call me bruv you don't no me I push hands off me pushing him away he lands on floor I start laughing
Brandon-don't you think Lills will be worried about you just go home Alex
Alex don't you fucking mention her name
Brandon-I'll phone her for you
Alex-how fuck have you get her number
Brandon-I haven't I got Katie's so she will tell Lills
Alex stop fucking calling her that her name is Lilly
All sundown I hear a voice
I turn around it's Lilly
Brandon -see I told you she was worried Alex
Brandon-lils he had to much drink I did offer him ride home but he keeps snapping
Lilly-thank you but I'm here now come on Alex let's go
I'm seeing red how dare talk to my girl she mine
I turn around to him fucking punch to fall shout don't talk to her and her name is fucking Lilly not Lills
Lilly-Alex car now !!!!
Liam-come on Alex I help
Then Lilly runs over Brandon help up says I'm sorry for his behaviour
Alex-don't you dare say your fucking sorry to him
Brandon-it's okay I know his drunk just take him home and be careful his too drunk
Alex-stop talking like I'm not here
Lilly-Liam take your car and him back I will bring his car back
Liam-are you sure
Lilly-yes I'll meet back at our house she says to him
She help Liam put me in back seat so i can lie down then grab my car keys walks away
Alex-Lilly Lills please don't leave me
Liam-I'm taking you home
Alex-NO I want Lilly
As we get back home Lilly not here yet but Kat is she runs over slaps me at Cross the face
Liam-Kat what hell
Kate -he fucking hurt my girl I'm not standing here being nice to the jerk I had to cuddle her get to calm down she screaming and crying she was broke
Alex- I'm sowwwinh
Katie-get fuck In There sober up she didn't need this today she had amazing news you let her down
Liam-shit it just reach 7 put radio on
Katie-where is she she's gonna miss it
Alex-whatttt are you talking about
Katie-just drink this water sober up now
All sudden I hear her voice but she not hear it's on the radio why is she on radio why didn't she tell me she got her voice out but wow I'm so proud of here
Alex-is this what she was gonna tell me I love it I fuck up didnt I
Katie-you bet you fucking fuck it up you asswhole
Liam go take shower clean ya self up before she gets back
Katie-talking about her shouldn't she be here already
Liam-yeah there no traffic on roads
Alex-where fuck is she
Liam she be back soon just clean Ya self up now!!!
As Go have shower I'm already going feeling sober
Once I'm out I lie on bed hoping she be home soon
Buzzzzz buzzzz buzz
Katie-answer you phone idiot
Alex-where is it
Alex-I don't know that number
Katie just answer it
Buzz buz buzzz
Hello is this mr creeds
Alex-yes who is this
Dr Mills -hello I'm afraid to say you friend has been in accident
Alex-my friend???? Who???? I shout down phone
Katie-what going on
Dr Mills-she had you as a emergency contact and we can't get through to her father
Alex- she??? Please tell me it's no Lilly Rhys I shout
Dr Mills-yes sir it is could please come to the hospital
Alex-what fuck is she okay
Dr Mills-I can't talk over phone
Alex-okay I'm on my way
Katie -start to cry what happens is she okay please tell me she's okay
Alex-I don't fucking no
Katie-this is your fault she wouldn't of gone out if you weren't getting drunk !!!!
Liam-now come on I'll drive stop blaming each other she needs us .....

At the hospital
I run to the receptionist Lilly Rhys room were???
Slow down sir are you related yes his is his brother in point at Liam I'm her boyfriend
Okay sir room 345 it's on next floor
As run to her room when get there I feel as my heart just stopped she got all wires attached to her bangers all over her
Dr Mills-hello are you Alex he says
Alex-yes we spoke on phone what happened
Dr Mills I don't really know but she had lot happened to her
Alex-she was in my car did she crash the car someone go into her
Dr Mills-as far as I'm wear sir she wasn't in the car she was in the street
Alex-what is she gonna be okay ???
Dr Mills-yea she had surgery the police would like speak to her when she's able to
Alex-yes of course thank you dr
Katie runs to Lilly start to cry I stand outside room crying Liam is sitting with me
Alex-she better be okay who ever did this I'm gonna kill I warn him
Liam-we will sort this out just focus on Lilly getting Better for now
Alex-I need know she be okay this is my fault
Liam-don't think like this she be okay
I can't stop crying ......

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