Chaoter 58 lilly

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I been sitting here 2 hours now I keep reheating the fire.I know everyone worried about me but I just can't talk to them I'm trying to be brave and put fake smile on but Alex can't see past it but he won't leave me alone I don't want talk
Katie -Lilly can I talk you
Lilly-yeah I nod
Katie-what going on Lills we all worried about you
Lilly-No stop he sent you didtnt he why can't everyone leave me fuck alone I don't want talking nothing is wrong I am fine I shout
Katie-you know I'm here if you need me
I nod I put my head on my knees start crying as soon she walks away
Why can't I just be normal for one fucking day can't stop Tears I just won't stop crying the pain in I've got  is so bad
Alex-lils please talk to me
He sit next to me pulls me towards him
Lilly-no I cry into his chest I can't
Alex-you can tell me anything baby please I'm so worried about you something not right
Lilly-you have forgotten haven't you what today is
Alex-Today is death of lexi how would I ever forgot about about baby girl but lills this isn't what wrong but you have been like this  for months you don't look okay  you keep being sick your so pale I think  you might need take the doctors
Lilly-no need already been I cry and cry
Alex-what what's going lills
Lilly-I'm scared Alex I'm going to lose you my kids my siblings everyone
Alex-you never gonna loose any of us do you understand me
Lilly-No Alex you don't get it I will loose you all I can't do anything about
I hand Alex letter and run to house I can't see him like read this it been so hard not tell him any of this but I was scared and still am scared .
Alex point of view
Dear miss Lilly Rhys
After having you and doing test in the lump you have found we have found out you stage 2 breast cancer we would like you to come in  so be can get you on into best treatment you will need however I'm sorry say but there is chance that treatment won't work and there big risk  but with all will help through this tough time please. Contact us soon as possible before the cancer spreads
Many thanks
dr Mills
Date 04/4/2016

My eyes I filled up with tears my Lilly has cancer this why has been distant and not her self I knew something was wrong but I didn't think it was this bad.wait a mine the date 04/04/2016 it now 20/7/2016 so been there or four fucking months and she has done nothing.NO!! She needs he treatment I hope not to late I loose this women
I walk into house with Lilly sat on bottom of the stir her head in her knees I can hear her crying it breaking me .I bend down to face Lills baby come on here I say but she don't move pick her up place her on sofa and sit by her.
Alex-baby we will get through this together your not leaving me never
Lilly-we don't get say in this my body is letting me down I'm sorry Alex
Alex-no we going to have treatment you going fine you hear me
Lilly-I'm sorry al I left too late I've been so scared want spend theses months with and kids hey have been best months but I'm just not feeling up to anymore I'm struggling so much I'm scared my kids are going grow up without mother and it's all my fault I'm so sorry Alex
I'm crying so is Lilly
Alex-before anything we going hospital book you and start your treatment I'm going be there every step of way I love you so much always and forever
Lilly-I love you too always and forever
Lilly falls sleep I get the number hospital phone dr Mills
Dr Mills speaking-hello
Alex-dr this Alex I'm Lilly's Rhys boyfriend
Dr -ay hello Alex how can I help
Alex-well Lilly has only just showed me letter about her cancer she hasn't had any treatment or test but she ready to be booked in now I'm gonna be right be her side
Dr Mills -I'm so glad she finally able talk you and start treatment and I hope it's not process any further and we can treat it could you bring Lilly down today I want her soon as possible
Alex-yes I can bring in now
Dr-yes Alex please do thank you
Alex-thank your dr Mills for everything

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