Chapter40 Alex

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Finally we on our way after arguing who is driving of course stubborn arse wouldn't give in but I didn't want her drive I want to relax so I got key sat in driver sit intill she done with her sulk.20 mins later fucking 20 mins I was waiting for Lacey and jake sat in back she comes she looks sexy but got angry face of her on but it turns me on.
Lilly-jake do you want sit in front
Jake-can I sit by dork
Lilly-yes you can
She give me dirtiest look going She so bloody stubborn his women is she's gonna death of me I tell you now .Jake sit infront with me I can see her grinning thinking she's won just you wait Lills I think to myself.
Lacey-Lilly can we have music on please
Lilly-lace you will have to ask twat face over there I'm not talking to him
Lacey-bumwhole can we have music on
Alex-I'll put music if Lills stops being moody
Lilly-tell him I'm not being moody I'm just not forgiven him
Lacey-goofy your dog house just put music on come on
I put radio of course it has be his song I remember we sang this song the 14 years ago and of course Lilly and Lacey start singing it I look through mirror I see Lilly with big smile on her face singing with her sister .

You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much
You're the fear, I don't care
'Cause I've never been so high
Follow me through the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life
So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?
Fading in, fading out
On the edge of paradise
Every inch of your skin, is a Holy Grail I've gotta find
Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire
Yeah, I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more
Oh, what are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do, oh
What are you, what are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Oh, I'll let you set the pace
Oh, 'cause I'm not thinking straight
Though my head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (Like you do, oh)
Oh, love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do, oh
Oh, what are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (Like you do)
Lo-lo-love me like you do
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do, oh
What are you, what are you waiting for?

Jake just says is this what it gonna be like now 
Alex -you better get use this I've had since met Lilly I was 2 but I could hear sing all day I whisper
Jake-they both very good and confident
Alex-they are indeed
Lilly-what are you two talking about
Alex-guy talk thought you were talking to me
Lilly-what ever
Alex-we here now
We get out of car all I hear of Jake is wow it's so big
Alex-you love it here it's one my favourite places come to I love to read you love it here
Jake-thanks dorky
Lilly-come on let head inside then
Lacey grabs her hand jake my side holding my I go grab Lilly hand but pushes her hand way she's deffenley still in mood with me theses dam hormones.I whisper in her ear
Alex-come on baby don't be like this I'll
Make up you later
Lilly-stop your annoying go away
Alex-baby please forgive you can movie tonight and maybe drive back if you forgive me.....
All sudden she put her hand my pocket take my keys and then put them away in her purse and grabs my hands and gives me a big smile
Lilly-love you shes whispers
Alex-I love always and forever baby
Lilly-always forever
Lacey-goofy stop looking like that to my sister you weirdo
Alex-I'm not doing anything
Lacey-of course your not
We all walk in the liabary Lilly jake go off for abit while I'm with little miss
Alex-so what do wanna do to look books to cafe
Lacey-could I have milkshake  please
Alex-come on then cupcake
Lacey-I like that nickname and I'll race cafe if I win you have so what I say all day tomorrow you can't say no
Alex-what if I win I'm gonna make you watch the worse film
Lacey-you on plus I don't hate any movies
She runs
Alex-hey you cheated
I chase up to her of course she won well I did let kind of win
Lacey-thank you thank you and she give bow she looser now you gotta do what I say tomorrow so have fun she starts laughing
Alex-ye ye now what milkshake do want cupcake??
Lacey-strawberry please
Once we got milk shake we sit in corner I plan to have convo with her one on one away from Lilly hoping she okay with living with us and we never let anyone hurt her
Alex-cupcake could have serious convo here
Her face drops
Alex-your not in trouble but me and your sister are worried about you from what you told us last night the nightmare have you told anyone about this before
Lacey-no well I did tell my mom but laughter and said I hope he did good job but I have told anyone not even jake
Alex-we know what you told last night we believe you listen to me as I say this no one is gonna hurt you again we all gonna get through this together we all hear for you and no might no want to me I'm gonna book you about with therapist it will help cupcake
Lacey-please I don't want talk to anyone I just want forget it never happened
Alex-lace please you can't heal without talking about it I know I seen someone go through this I will take you and be there or Lilly if don't want me
Lacey-okay fine thank you I'll go but I don't want Jake to find out what happened please
Alex-we won't tell him don't you worry
Lacey-you know your kinda alright goofy
Alex-thank you cupcake
We chat I find out so much about her what she like don't like
2 hours later
Alex-shall we go find your brother and sister
Lacey-yes you boring me now she laughts
Alex-come on I thought you liked me cupcake do you want rematch
Lacey 3,2,1 Goooooo!!!!
We both run she Neely goes wrong way but grab her hand we end up running around liabary while she hold my hand laughing I love that's smiling after our talk all sudden we hear women voice
Women-oi you stop running in liabary!!!
Alex-stop shouting in liabary I say we end laughing intill we stop as someone stand right infront of us
Lacey- Goofy she does look happy
Alex-I think we in trouble we both laugh
Lacey -your deffenley in trouble
Lilly-you deffenley in trouble mr
Alex-come on Lills we were having fun
Lacey-Lilly it was his idea
Lacey winks at me whispers good luck
Alex-cupcake really
Lilly starts smiling like she can't stop
Alex-I think I'm off hook she smiling I say to Lacey
Lilly-Lacey go over to you brother we be over in abit
She nods and look back at me and mouths good luck goofy you gonna need it and laughs
Lilly-no listen I'm so happy that you and my sister are getting along so well just don't get her in trouble she nudges me
Alex-well Lills I need tell you something we went to cafe and we had serious chat about last night she's agree finally about going therapy I'm going be taking her  unless you want to but she needs this heal she's agree in one condition that we don't tell Jake anything she don't want him to know and talk more about how your mother knew but didn't care.
Lilly starts cry I open arms she come up to me cuddles into me says
Lilly-how did I not relised I had sister or my mother was pregnant before she left I could stop this this is my fault
Alex-No stop that now this is not your fault if we knew we would of looked for them.The only people who is at fault is tour so called mother and men who done this so don't you dare blame your self
Lilly-I'm sorry babe but thank you I don't know what I would do without you and I love you so much
Alex-I love you more now let's go find the kiss then we can go house haunting
We walk over Lacey reading a book to her brother she act as if she's older than him but both same age I love there bond between them.I look at Lills her eyes looks she happy the way she looking at them you can see pure love for them.
Lacey-Can you two stop staring us you weirdios
Alex-come on you two you ready to go
Lilly-jake we can come back another day let's take these ones we already scanned so got some books at home
Alex-now listen up bud and cupcake we gotta surprise now we going find a new house so you two get get your own room
Lacey-oh my god can I decorate pink with posters of pop starts please
Lilly-niece found house we decorated it however you want to and you too jake
Jake will Katie &liam be with us
Alex-not in this house but we still see them both
Jake-okay I like them
Lacey-Kat cool Liam alright I suppose
Alex-don't tell him you said that I laugh
Come then let's go I tell them all
I walk to driver side Lilly just stares at me
Lilly-don't even go there she's waves my keys in the air
Alex-fine I get in passengers seat Lilly sit in drivers sit once the kids are in back.Lilly puts the radio on and guess what it's here and Lacey song sister playing they both sing jake falls asleep not long after Lacey falls asleep.I put hand on Lilly's thigh rub it
Lilly-not now babe kids are in car
Alex-baby I love you
Lilly-just wait till later if lucky I'll make it worth the wait
Alex-mm Okay let fine this house i reach over kiss her check
Lilly-love you now is this he place
Alex-yeah let go have look

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