Chapter 16 Alex

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I'm sat in car waiting for the Girls I hope Lils is enjoying herself I know she didn't want to go shopping but she needs some girly time as Kat says god now sounds like girl.what is this women done to me but I don't care she my life she make me so happy I'm moving into our place tomorrow can't wait..
Alex -What?? I say
Liam-so what's happening with the two of you then?
Alex -well what I can say she love of my life so glad we are meant to be it's took 10 years find each I'm
Never letting her ago again
Liam- aww I'm happy for you bro you deserve it I think your mum will well chuff they you are changing
Alex-changing I'm not fucking changing
Liam-yes all I mean is your not fighting or sleep around
Alex okay maybe you right talking about mother I need call her thank for my birthday stuff she sent over
Liam-have you told her about Lilly yet
Alex- not yet I'm planning on tell her when I speak to her she used love Lilly I know she be happy for us
3 hours later Lills and Kat walk to car
Hey baby I say had fun shopping
Lilly-Yeah babe just tired now my feet are so sore I Alex-bet they are look all them bags
Lilly-hey you want me to shopping plus I though I'd grab us stuff for our apartment to make more homely
Alex-aww i can't wait to see what you got love you
Lilly -love you too
Alex-where am I dropping you too off the. He says to Kat and Liam
Katie-drop us at mine it easier to get to bar from there
when we dropped them two off she fell asleep again drove to our apartment it's still fills pads calling ours but so can't wait to move in fully with my girl.I turn car off she still fast asleep I go around to her side pick her up carry her up stairs I open then door head to bedroom put her on the bed
I walk back outside to get the bag she brought wow she did do a lot of shopping but I'm glad she had a good time she deserves it.
I put bags in the living room for her sort out when she wakes up.I go into bedroom takes my jeans off and my top lie next her she gets undress and put my top over her head cuddles up to me we both fall asleep for few hours
What hell is that banging I say
I turn to look at Lilly she still asleep cuddled up to me I slide out throw my jeans to see who banging
Bang Bang Bang
Aright alright I'm coming I say
I open the door expect it to be Kate or Liam but of course she return again Trisha
What the hell you doing here I say
Trisha-I've come wish my baby girl a happy birthday
Alex-you need leave your drunk and she's asleep your wake her up
Trisha -it's not night so wake hell up LiLLy she shouts
Alex-I'm not asking you again
Lilly-what all this noise she said sleepily
Alex- well done you woke her up
Lilly-what fuck are you doing here I told you I don't want to know you get out of our apartment she shouts
Trish-happy 19th birthday lillllyyy she said
Lilly 19th really I'm 21 you would know that if didn't leave me and actually me a mother so get fuck out
Trisha-I am your mother your only mother stop treating my little shit,what fuck are you wearing you ducking whoore
Lilly again with name calling get out
Trisha your whoore look at ya I bet you been fucking random guys you dirty slag she says
I'm starting to see red I've never hit a women before she is crossing the line Lilly come up to me hold me trying calm me down instead I shout a Trisha get fuck out and slam door
Alex-I'm sorry baby I tried get her to go before she woke you up I can't believe she keep turning calling you names.
Lilly it's not your fault babe but I think I need phone my dad see if he knows why she keeps turning up
Why don't go back bed for abit I'll phone my dad come join you she says
Alex yeah baby I give her kiss they head to bed

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