Chapter 63 lilly /alex

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Lilly point of view :
I ran away from them I couldn't cope I could breath I need space I'm in a lot pain physically and emotionally.I walk into this chapel it was empty I walk to bottom and light candle watch it burn away I fall the floor just sat here looking at the burn candles.I think in sat in puddle of my blood I think I've hurt myself but I don't care anymore what the point in life everything gets ripped away from me at some point I can't cope I can't breath I want pain to go I want be normal for eyes are so heavy I'm starting to see flashing light Om struggling to breath all sudden I fall backwards.I think this is this my time I need go now.
I don't know much time as past but I see white light and a little girl there she looks like Logan
Lexi-mommy why are you here
Lexi-I'm lexi your daughter this heaven you can't be here mommy Logan needs you and Bella please moody don't give they need you my daddy need you need fight
Lilly-lexi lexi oh baby girl tour so beautifully I can't fight anymore I'm in much pain I need be here with you they don't need me I just make them miserable I need you I've been 3 years of you please can't loose you now
Don't give up my siblings needs you auntie Lacey and uncle Jake need you they won't cope you don't realise this but your glue to them please don't do this
Lilly-how are talking like your older when your only 3 I know They need me I need them to but I can't cope lexi I've lost another baby why did I have loose 2 I feel broken
Lexi-mommy please fight you need me with our family one day in far further me together and will look after my brother yea he was boy but mommy I need tell you something you gonna need your family you need fight daddy won't survive he broken he is hospital family crying thinking he lost you please wake up to him
I hug my daughter for first time I think this might be last intill in furrier I need fight
Lilly-I will fight baby I love so much lexi your daddy does to I know he puts brave face on but misses you your brother would love you so much your his double
Lexi-now mommy I love you all I will always be your heart I will watch my brother here we will wait for you but your not ready to go yet the family need you look after daddy and our sibling

Alex point of view
The moment I walk chapel all see her fall back into floor I run over to her grab her into my lap there's blood everywhere.she not breathing Tasha and Katie and dr Mills comes running
Tasha-Alex sweetie the dr here
Alex-Shea not breathing Lilly don't you fucking leave me you can't leave me I need you I love you please baby fight come back to me
The dr puts Lilly on bed they done cpr and after 20 mins she starts breathing and there rush her to surgery to see what happened
Dr Mills -Alex go back to her room wait there we be with soon
Alex-I can't leave her I promised her I won't leave her
Tasha-son please let the doctors do there jobs but Alex-mom she wasn't breathing I'm going loose her aren't I I can't cope without her me and kids need I her I fucking love her
Katie falls to fall as soon as dr and Lilly left the room
Katie -NOOO!! She shouts
Me and mom look up to her she on floor with knees up crying and screaming no over and over again
Katie-no she can't die no can't die you don't understand she is my family yes I have my daughter and Liam but she is only family I have I don't talk to my family Lilly always was there through everthing she new me inside and out she can't leave me NOO!!
She won't stop screaming I don't how to comfort her I need tell her she be okay but I'm scared myself
Tasha-right you to get up now now you listen to me hard that women in there is hurt she scared she is fighting so hard she wouldn't leave you on purpose she wants to be here with her family she gone through so fucking much now you two are going stop crying and pray to god she will pull through and Alex you have 2 kids who need there mother and father you need be there for them and Lacey &jakw need you all you need be strong for all of them
Alex-no nom she's not fighting she's giving up she told me she can't fight anymore she can't breath
Tasha she will fine now let go wait in room
My mother pull me and Kat up we walk in to room where Lilly should be waiting I can't sit down I'm pacing up down for 3 hours Dr Mills comes in
Dr Mills-Alex I'm please to say she okay she in recovery at the moment she had another cloth and she got sepis which is serious infection but help her she did fight it we did loose of for abit but she came back to us fighting so now need you make sure she doesn't get up out of bed again for next 14 hours she can't risk it she will need stay in hospital for 2 weeks
Alex-thank you much sr I don't how repay you everything you done for us thank you much for saving my girl and I will watch like hawk she won't get out bed I won't leave her side
Tasha-thank you dr saving my daughter in law thank you
Dr-no problem let juat get through next few hours I'll keep checking any problem please call me Alex nice meet you meet Mrs creeds
Katie start to cry so much I go over to her give her hug
Alex-she's going be okay she did fight she wanted to be alive she not leaving us
Katie-I know I can't believe we nearly lost her I can't loose her
Alex-we are not loosing her we are all family we all going help get through this aren't we
Katie-yes I'm sorry I just really worried and scared I'm gonna lose her
Alex-come she will be here in abit no more crying
2 nurse push Lilly bed in she awake now
Run to her I put my head on her lap and start to cry
Lilly-Alex I'm sorry I love I'm sorry didn't fight at first I thought I was losing everything but I need tell you something I know might sound weird but something I'm glad happen it gave abit of closure
Alex-you can tell me anything
Lilly-when I stop breathing all I could see is white light and then see. A little girl who looked like Logan I mean double it was lexi she so beautiful she has your hair and eyes she told me I need fight that you all need me specially were broken you thought I didn't want fight I you though I was leaving you but I'm glad that I did fight I love so much I never want to leave you ever I'm sorry babe
Alex-I forgive you baby I love so much too now tell me about lexi
Lilly-I will Alex but right now I need see my bestfriend who is in tears over there I need her
I nod i walk out the room to my mother told her to go and get Lacey and jake take them back my house she can stay there there lots rooms spare she said she wants grab Logan and Bella too and mercy is on her way and wants help and she miss you and Lilly.

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