Chapter 68 alex

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She put the face time down I am sorry she's never gonna forgive me need show how much I love her Yano what..x...
Alex-fuck this!!
Liam-calm down bruv
Alex-no fuck football I don't need it I want my women I am going to my family
Katie-Alex give her time she will come around she needs space
Alex-no she had few days she can have space while I'm flying home I am going home to win my women back.this is not over she blocked me she never ever blocked me before this serious I did fuck I know did but I didn't mean to
Katie-Think about your carer
Alex-I don't carer I never want come here in first place I want my women
Katie-you have 3 weeks left al you can do this then sort everthing out after
Alex-no I'm not leaving 3 fucking weeks I can't stand being away from her
Katie point of view
I better text Lilly let her know
Katie-hey lills I'm sorry but I think you should know Alex is kinda loosing his shit his saying his coming come fuck football he dont need it he need you I've tried tell give you space but he said he can't wait 3 weeks  he needs sort this out so book a plan ticket now
Lilly😋-hey Kat I do forgive him I just wanted make sweat abit I know it's mean he hurt me so I wanted punish him don't tell that and don't worry I sort it he is staying there his my man after all he we do what I say in the end 😂😂  thank you for letting me know
Kat-your evil but then again he needs this lol 😂😂😂
Alex point of view
I'm looking to book my plan ticket then all sudden Lilly rings me she unblocked me she ring me
Alex-Lilly are you okay
Lilly-so you can answer your phone not your FaceTime
Alex-I'll switch over 1 seconds
I switch over to face time to see my women
Lilly-now you listen to me don't even think about coming home
Alex-how did you know wait Katie of course
Lilly-I'm glad she let me know because I'm not letting give up football not happening in my watch mr...
Alex-I need you I need make everthing right with us I don't care about football your more important to me I love you so much
Lilly-I love so much I'm not saying this make you stop well I am but I do forgive you I forgave nothing long ago as I came off the phone with you I was so angry but Emily Denny partner phone me she spoken to jack and the manger on the bar she cctv on that night everything she told me everything I'm so sorry didn't forgive I was scared your hurt me but now I see you trying not hurt me only thing didn't wrong tell jack every 1st but I forgive you baby
Alex-Omg Lilly thank you so much but still coming home I need you and want you with me I wish never went back home yet
Lilly-no baby I have my tour and my new record label is gonna be here I might get second album so I need you to this last 3 weeks there with Liam promise me you won't come till World Cup is over I'm so proud of you babe
Alex-fine I love you Lilly Rhys to be Mrs creeds and I'm so proud of you my rockstar your amazing
Lilly-so I've been told now go get clean and wipes your eyes and go smash that other team I'm going watching you on tv with the all the kids make me proud I love you forever and always 
Alex-okay forever and always speak later baby
I blow Lilly kiss before I end FaceTime I'm so glad she forgave me I wish I wasn't here I wish I was with her.she can be the devil she wanted punish me for abit I'm not saying I don't deserve it but I was going out my mind thinking I lost my women it's always been her
Alex-Kat thank you I wanted to mad at you for telling her I'm going home but I can't because she forgave me while ago she just wanted punish me
Katie-your welcome now go out there win this match I'm going home to see my bestfriend and my baby I miss bonnie
Alex-be safe I'll let you two say goodbye I meet you in filed Liam
Liam-yea bruv see in abit
Once left the room I head to field I see my team mates all training and there misses and friends watching them waiting for main game.
Jack-hey mate we been waiting for you
Alex-I'm here now ent I and you forgave her then
Jack-she love if my life
Alex-whatever let go
I tell my team I want them team practicing pass ball one distance for hour while see Emily I run over to her
Alex-hey em thank you for speaking Lilly
Emily-no worries I like Lilly I didn't want her hurt over that slag I can't stand her but glad your worked things out your so great together plus I'm meeting Lilly when I go back to newYork in few days
Alex-thank you and I know that feeling never liked her thank you well better head of catch ya later
Emily-yeah anytime
Alex-right hit showers see back here 2 our for the match
Denny -hey man everthing okay with you Lilly
Alex-yea perfect can't thank your girl enough for everything she did
Denny-she likes Lilly she can't stand Sofia then again who does part from Jake
Alex-that's too true Right gonna go speak Callum our manger
Denny -catch you later
Callum -Alex hey I'm glad your hear I need speak with you
Alex-what up
Callum-well you know this world suppose be 6 weeks  well
Alex- please don't tell me it's longer I need see my women
Callum-no actually the final is Friday
Alex-what that's tomorrow ? Why is shorter
Callum-other teams have dropped out so tonight if we win we go tomorrow games against Spain or loose we go home tonight
Alex-fuck yes I'm going home see my women tomorrow thank you I'm gonna go now talk later I'll speak team
I walk into locker room
Alex-yo everyone gather around
They crowd around
Alex-well we better win tonight the finally is tomorrow cut shorter other teams have drop out so we better play our best tonight and bring cup home
Liam-ate you being serious
Alex-yes Callum just told me
Liam-home tomorrow get see my kid can't wait
Alex-tell me about can't wait see my kids my women and my twins
2 hours later I phone Lilly
Lilly-hey al everthing okay
Alex-yes I miss you so much
Lilly-I miss you too babe
Alex-I'm coming home tomorrow World Cup finally is tomorrow teams drop out so they cut it short
Lilly-can't wait to see I'm sorry I can't be there but I'll be watching you with kids like I promised I love you so proud of you babe
Alex-I know baby I can't wait to see you tomorrow give our kids a kiss from
Me I seen you all tomorrow love you
Later that day
We play England again I play the best I've ever played and of course will fucking won 4-2 I've done it for Lilly I know she watching with kids hope she's proud of me
Liam notices Katie in stadium
Liam-Kat what are doing here though you going home
Katie-not happening when I can go home with you tomorrow Lilly text me to stay ahe wish she could come but she's got all kids mad tour prepare
Liam-Alex understands don't worry I'm glad your hear
Alex-oi you two shall we grab dinner 
Katie-yes I'm starving
Alex-I'm going ring Lilly before hand
Katie-I've juat spoken to her she said she's proud of you and she's turn her phone off l she's not feeling to good and everyone keeps phoning her for this new album they want her to sign with them
Alex-wish i spoke to her should I go home get someone stand in for me she needs me
Katie-no don't worry you be fine let her sleep you phone when she up
I decide to text her
Hey lils baby kat told me your not feeling well I hope your okay text call me when hope your okay love you
Then I phone lace but no answer and jake no answer all the phones ar maybe had early night or they busy I'll ring them tomorrow ....

When love happenesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora